DISCLAIMER: The Star Trek characters
are the property of Paramount Studios, Inc and Viacom. The story contents are the
creation and property of Djinn and are copyright (c) 2023 by Djinn. This story
is Rated R.
Command Teams (Part 1)
by Djinn
was working at the desk in her quarters when Raffi came in from the gym,
looking sweaty and sexy. "Yum," she said with a grin, more than
willing to leave the report she was working on to show her how sexy she found
shook her head. "I stink, Babe."
won't complain."
why I love you." She went into the bathroom and turned the shower on, her
lack of an invitation to join her meaning she just wanted to get clean.
went back to the report. She'd been working on it all day and was sick of it.
How had Shaw gotten these done so fast? It wasn't the data Command was asking
for—or even the fact that every tasking asked for the data in a different form
than the one she'd just sent in—it was how political everything was. She was
afraid if she put a word wrong, she'd step in it.
it was.
said her mantra silently: He believed in her. Or had. Before she'd brought him
back to life with nanoprobes and sent him running away.
knew why. She'd made him into his own personal bogey man. Only she hadn't—he
wasn't Borg and if he'd just let her talk to him, she'd explain.
no. He was his usual dickish self.
heard Raffi coming toward her and grinned. It was nearly impossible to sneak up
on her, but Raffi had gotten quite a ways across the room before she'd noted
her. "Almost."
I thought for sure you were too into that stupid tasking to hear me."
luck next time." She grinned and turned, watching Raffi get dressed.
you don't want an audience, shower in your own room."
didn't say I minded you being a perv."
comm alert on her terminal went off and she turned to see who was calling. She
could not take another stupid tasking from Command.
was Shaw.
walked over. "You want me gone?"
want me here but out of sight?"
you want me to answer it for you? Help me out here, Sev."
She hit the screen, and his face filled it. His very beaten-up face.
"Hiya, Hansen. I mean Seven. I'm really drunk and uh a little bit this
side of trashed."
look rough," Raffi said.
hey, Raffi. God damn you two are gorgeous."
are, aren't we?"
encourage him, Raff. What do you want, Shaw?"
just want you to know that Hell's Kitchen is not as tough as they say. And I
figured one of you two would know a better place for me to go."
do what?"
That's why my face is this way. I started in the Tenderloin but it's not really
that tough anymore. So I moved to the South Side and I gotta tell ya, my memory
of that place is way more scary than it actually is."
you're bleeding on your padd." She glanced at Raffi who frowned in a way
that told Seven he was beyond drunk.
I thought, Hell's Kitchen. That'll be the place that shows me I'm just me. No
leaned in. "Liam, that's a secret."
right." He leaned in and whispered. "No nanoprobes."
drop of blood fell on his padd and he wiped it, smearing the screen.
yeah. This is fun." Raffi pulled a chair over and said, "Shaw, hi.
How about you go home now. I think you've fought enough."
thinking either Manila or whatever the capital of Montenegro is next. I knew a
guy from Montenegro and he was so tough—no, wait. Samoa."
hurriedly muted him and said, "Seven to Transporter Room."
Room here."
you get a lock on Commodore Shaw?"
yes. You want him up here?"
was a moment's silence and then "Well, shit, it's Newton. How the hell are
you Newton?" sounded over the comms. "Am I on the ship?"
are, sir."
be right down for him. Do not let him leave that room." She was up and
heard Raffi behind her.
tell me we are putting him in guest quarters, filling him full of antitox,
locking him in until he tests sober, and then sending him home with a coffee to
I was afraid of that."
dug out the antitox she'd learned to carry during her ranger days. Usually to
sober up a source, not for herself. "You may have to hold him still while
I force feed him this."
let it be said you're not so much fun, hon'."
laughed at Raffi's tone. "I need to talk to him about what he isn't and
this is the only chance he's given me."
he's not Borg, how's he beating his way through North America's worst?"
he thinks he is. Also, he's shit with a phaser, but I've seen him with a knife
and his fists. Lethal with either."
makes me like him better."
thought it might." She turned into the transporter room, waited for Raffi to
get behind him, for his not unexpected, "Oh, my God, is this a Raffi,
Seven and me sandwich?" before she pried his mouth open and put the pills
you want to play ranger and perp, you just have to ask first. Consent is
everything. But yeah, I'd play that."
is a fun fantasy." Raffi laughed when he did. "What? It is."
turned to the tech. "Mister Newton. You will wipe any recording of this
and forget you saw our esteemed former captain in this shape."
you were always my favorite transporter tech. Such a soft touch—never land
you are quite skilled. Good night."
night, ma'am's. And sir."
didn't have to manhandle Shaw out of the room because he was sobering up fast.
they walked, Raffi got in front of them, walking backwards, clearly assessing
what kind of shape he was in far more clinically than she probably could have
done. "We need sickbay. He may have won, but he's gonna be hurting."
took a lot of hits." He leaned in to both of them and whispered, "But
I'm Borg now."
Liam, you're not."
don't call me that enough. Liam. Liam-Liam-Liam-Liam-Liam." He sounded
halfway sober as he said it.
she was no longer having to push him; he was taking them on his own to sickbay.
don't want to sleep on this ship. Only on the Titan."
rolled her eyes. "You'll be beamed down to your place once we're done
here. If Ohk says it's okay."
sleep in a Spacedock observation lounge before I sleep on the fucking Enterprise.
think JL would have felt the same way if they'd ever renamed his ship. I'm
gonna go with him on this one."
just don't want me sleeping on the same ship as her." He glared at her.
might be right." Raffi's expression changed. "He's going to throw
not." He sounded like he was very much about to.
sped up the pace. "Do not throw up until we get to sickbay."
had to give him credit. He waited until they were in sickbay and he was over a
sink but then he threw up for a long time.
yeah, this is the kind of night a girl dreams about," Raffi muttered to
her, ignoring the glare she got back. "I mean, dinner and a movie is so
mundane. This..."
came out of her office and studied him with the look she often gave new
bacteria. "Hey, Liam. You've looked better."
know. I'm so pretty usually. Oh, God, I don't feel good. Being Borg
glanced at her and she made a face.
assure him he's not Borg."
you're not Borg."
just fucking told you to tell me that."
there was her captain. Sober and swearing.
your friend, Liam." Ohk patted a biobed, and he groaned as he sat on it.
"She's not lying and neither am I."
So I'm just human?"
and Raffi kicked themselves up onto the biobed across from him.
they have to be here?"
looked at her with a question in her eyes and she nodded tersely.
about medical privacy?"
no privacy in sickbay. It's so lame how it's designed, but nobody asked
me." Ohk shot him full of something that made him close his eyes.
favorite cocktail."
better than that one Crusher's mommy gave me. That was like truth serum.
had played Raffi the interaction he'd had with Picard and Jack—everything in
Ten Forward was captured. She hadn't been able to forget the raw pain of it. It
had helped her understand him better and it was what had started to make Raffi
get why she gave him so many benefits of the doubt.
glanced over at them and made a face. "Fucking hell, Hansen. Did you show
fuck you too, Shaw."
so you're even. How about letting me work?" Ohk began to run a regenerator
over him.
want help?" Raffi asked. "I'm good at it."
would be great. If you could do his hands. They're going to take a few
hopped down and grabbed another regenerator and went to work. "Really just
wanted to hold your hand, sir."
you, Musiker."
back at you, Commodore Shaw."
turned to Seven. "Why? Why did you do this to me?"
what exactly? Save your life?"
didn't save my life. I was dead. You brought me back to life."
that really the problem? Or is it how I brought you back?"
Borg voodoo. I'm a Borg zombie."
that is exactly what you are." She rolled her eyes.
Don't do that."
stop doing that when you stop swearing."
you, Seven."
looked over at her, laughing silently. Then she mouthed, "Fuck you,
have a comment, Commander?" He'd never sounded like he had a bigger stick
up his ass.
did not seem cowed in the least but she was used to managing Worf so...
"Just marveling at the wonder that is you and Seven interacting. Must have
been fun watching you as a command team."
at least I wasn't fucking her."
leaned in. "You say that like it's a bad thing. When you clearly had
it, Doctor." He closed his eyes. "I am so outnumbered here."
slipped off the biobed and walked over to him. She put her hand on his cheek
and forced him to look at her. "I owed you. I brought you into that mess.
I had to get you clear of it."
didn't owe me shit. Not after how I treated you."
both made mistakes." She was about to pull her hand away, but he surprised
her by putting his hand over hers, pressing it in.
stopped what she was doing and studied them, a look Seven couldn't read on her
really not Borg?" he whispered.
really not Borg."
don't want to be Borg."
really not, Liam," Raffi said, her voice extraordinarily gentle as she
went back to working on his hand.
have a soft touch."
well, I've been there. Regretting a bender and also making decisions for
someone." She met Seven's eyes. "Asking Agnes to save you."
was something she'd refused to discuss before. "I thought you
know what I said. But you were...gutted when you saw the implants back. Maybe I
shouldn't have—"
I was gutted—then. Now, I'm glad you did."
either of us know what the hell you're talking about?" Ohk asked.
Seven said, her smile gentle. She went to a cabinet and pulled out another
regenerator and went to work on his other hand. "Just clearing some stuff
up all over the place tonight."
that's never a bad thing." Ohk smiled at her and moved from his face to
scan his ribs. She sighed at what she saw and started in with the regenerator.
gotta tell you: I'm feeling pretty pampered here."
you, Liam," all three of them said in unison.
just laughed and sort of fell back but Seven and Raffi caught him before he
could hit the cushion too hard.
save." He closed his eyes.
happened to not sleeping on my ship?"
I'll happily sleep on your ship. Just not the Enterprise."
then." She looked at Raffi who was laughing.
was scanning again. "How many times were you kicked, Liam?"
my God, so many times."
your kidneys want me to tell you to never do that again." She looked over
at Seven. "He's staying here. I'd like to keep him for observation and use
the bed's regenerator for the rest."
mean I can quit being nice to him? Yay." Raffi patted him on the cheek and
left sickbay.
an idiot," Seven said to him.
think you are. Staying here when you could be going with her."
have a point."
do." He waited until Ohk walked away for a moment and asked, "For
sure, for sure, I'm not Borg?"
sure, for sure. Go to sleep. Maybe we can have breakfast in the morning. Talk
about this? I know the crew would love to see you in the mess again."
smile was the one she loved best. "I'd really like that. I really like
you, Seven." His eyes were closing and she waited until he was out. She
glanced at Ohk. "Do you need me?"
I've got it. Thanks for bringing him up here. Where was he?"
shook her head. "Of course he was. Dumb ass."
woke in sickbay, the healing field holding him safe on the bed and he sighed as
he realized his lower back was no longer in pain. "Ohk?"
doctor came out. One he didn't recognize. "Commodore Shaw. Doctor Ohk is
off. I'm Doctor Shivra'k."
new since I left."
Doctor MacKlay. He left Starfleet."
He was young." Not young enough to have been assimilated. Just young
enough to not be ready to go through the shitshow that was Frontier Day.
young. In more ways than one. We Dominion War vets are stepping up all over the
place." She winked at him. "I saw your knife." She handed it
back to him from where Ohk had put it before engaging the field.
would have thought Changelings would make a comeback, huh?"
I." She helped him sit up. "Anything hurt?"
But not like I've just been in a fight. More like the fight was a week
ago." Not just one fight. Several fights. Too many fucking fights.
was right. He'd been an idiot.
captain wanted you to comm her when you woke." She handed him his
put it on and hit it. "Shaw to Seven."
here. You sprung yet?"
now. The mess?"
I'm starved."
that." He cut the connection and took a last look around sickbay. Fuck, he
missed this ship. "Thanks, Doc."
very welcome, sir."
took his time getting to the mess, smiling at people he knew, stopping to talk
to some of them. Seven didn't look upset when he finally showed up. She was in
a booth already eating.
got his food and sat across from her.
to catch up on with old crew?" Her smile was untroubled.
He met her eyes. "I really miss them."
really miss you. But hopefully not so much that they resent me." She
grinned and he found himself grinning back.
she was just so goddamned gorgeous. Especially now that she wasn't in his chain
of command. Although that didn't seem to be a problem for her what with her and
Raffi being clearly a couple. "So you and Raffi, huh? Got through that
awkward exes period right back to together? Openly and everything."
nodded. But she was looking at him in a way that didn't necessarily say it was
forever with Raffi. It didn't say it wasn't though either. In fact it was really
fucking confusing how she was looking at him. "I've missed you, Liam. It's
not just the crew who does."
you. After what I put you through..."
were a dick. But you were a fair dick. And you pushed me." She grinned.
"And you let me sit in the big chair so damn often."
I know you like to lean like you're JTK."
you are in danger of falling out of said chair if we take a hit. I at least am
holding on."
the odds of the ship taking a hit are ten thousand times greater with you in
charge than with me."
at the moment. We're stuck in spacedock while they retrofit in some mods. Did
you have a hand in that?"
We got some Jurati tech."
know. Agnes wrote me a note on the parts that show. I guess she knew I like to
get under the bulkhead."
want to go see it."
you think you'll be able to read it now that you're a B-Zombie?"
laughed at how she was saying it. "Sorry for being lax about the
were beyond wasted."
was. Do you think I'll be able to read it?"
I go see it?"
assume you saw it before it was installed."
but I didn't know there was a secret message on it. Now I do."
have seen any secret message possible if it were in a language you could read.
You are not fucking"—she leaned in and whispered—"Borg, Liam."
He still wasn't sure he believed her though.
have they slotted you in Engineering?"
I'm floating from project to project right now. Next up: rules and regs
smiled in a way that didn't seem to be mocking, then ruined it by saying,
"You'll be perfect for that."
rub it in that I'm boring as fuck."
was looking at him like he had two heads.
not what you meant?"
I've never met someone with more workarounds that let you not follow the regs
without actually breaking the regs. Those regs are the ones that need to be
overhauled. I bet every ship has workarounds. In every department. You could
visit a sample of ships. Find the better ways to do things. Make things more
efficient and people safer."
he forgot how alike he and she were when it came to efficiency. "Would
here be included?"
smiled and looked down. "If you had to, I guess."
wouldn't throw me out an airlock?"
would have done that a long time ago if that was my plan. Maybe during Frontier
instead you brought me back. Still not sure what to make of you doing
busied herself with adding sugar to her coffee—one of her go-to stalling
maneuvers. "Why make anything of it? You'd save me. And, if you could
bring me back, you'd do it. For any of us, right?"
not Picard."
laughed and it was a real laugh, free of any residual hurt or anger from that
day. He found himself grinning—he loved it when he cracked her up. "Other
than him, though?"
you okay? I mean was you fighting yesterday just about what you thought I'd
turned you into or was it a pile-on to existing PTSD?"
told her early on that he had it. Only thought it was fair since she might have
to compensate—the shitty thing about PTSD was that it didn't call first before
it hit. Turned out she had her own triggers. Not the same as his. One of them
was generally functional most of the time, which really was all you could ask
from a command team some days.
was the B thing. I think in some ways having to deal with Picard made the PTSD
a little better. Having to deal with a Borg invasion again did too. Anyway, the
tremor is much better."
that might be the B thing making me all strong and shit." He laughed at
her expression. "If you think I'm fucking letting that go, you're
smile was gorgeous, her eyes bright and happy and he wished this was the Seven
he'd cultivated.
bygones though.
ate for a few minutes then said, "I hadn't really thought about all the
workarounds. I was so busy pouting over the lame assignment. But you're right.
I could make everyone's life easier. And learn new workarounds, which is never
a bad thing."
you share them with me if they're good ones?" Her tone was so easy, one
captain to another.
Yeah I will."
yes, you can visit this ship too. If we ever leave spacedock. If not, well, you
know where we are."
have a feeling I'll always know where you are." He met her eyes. He didn't
look away for a long time.
did she.
wandered down the hallway full of guest offices for brass between assignments.
She found the one with L. Shaw on it and rang the chime.
looked up and his face showed surprise, but only for a moment. "Hey,
Musiker. Long time no see. Sit."
sat and stared at him in the way that even Worf found difficult not to crack
you're trying to find out who has the biggest balls, I'm pretty sure it's
you." He went back to whatever he'd been doing on his terminal.
was her experience that only men who were not lacking in the junk department
made reference to genitalia comparisons so casually. "I can't see your
balls from here so I'll take your word from it."
you want to see them?" He shot her a look like "What the fuck?"
laughed. "Really don't."
I'm glad we got that settled. So...you worried about your woman?"
not." She said it with as much assurance as someone who'd already ended
things with Seven twice could say.
she hated that she was worried.
many times you guys break up already?"
him. Finding her buttons. Pushing her buttons. "They were more strategic
keeps you going, Raff." He turned to look at her. "I'm kinda
you're not. You lack the 'hair on fire' look of a quick turnaround tasking and
the 'Why are you bothering me when I'm finally in the groove' aspect of a
long-term project. I was a staff officer. I know when someone's busy."
you're not goddamned wrong."
you admit it?"
you said, you were one. Can't fool an insider." He turned away from his
terminal, leaned back, crossed his arms over his chest, and put his feet up on
his desk. "So why are you here, Commander?"
made three forms of address. What was he going to go with next?
know Seven's looks by now. She had a look when she got back from
No longer hungry." His close-mouthed grin was bratty as hell.
leaned back, crossed her arms over her chest, and put her feet up on the desk
burst out laughing. "Jesus fucking Christ, Raffi. Stand the hell
down." He sighed. "Let's cut the posturing and just talk." He
slid his feet off the desk and sat like a normal human so she did the same.
You're in love with her."
Pretty sure she has no clue on that, though."
sure you're wrong."
surprise this time. "For real?"
does she feel about it?"
idea. I, however, am not a fan of this. But that's neither here nor there. What
I'd like to posit is that right now you're both operating under transference.
She saved you. You owe her your life. That's heady. Brings people
together." Or back together in her case with Seven.
to break up again. And then get back together. Which is not what she wanted him
to think he'd do if she and Seven... When they already had twice.
this was not a good tack. This guy fucking threw her.
was grinning. "Your point derailed. I saw it happen. Have no idea what
your point was, but man it just went up in magnificent flames inside that
normally amazing brain of yours."
grin was so goofy, she started to laugh too. "It's a goddamned
made the sound of an explosion, his eyes twinkling—holy hell his eyes were
No, they were not.
not going to go after her. If that's why you're here. You two seem happy. I treated
her like crap. Why would I get in the middle of that?"
you're just going to wait to see if we implode?"
shrugged, his expression light, unthreatening. "Given your
you, Liam."
way less ballsy when you say that. I think it's the way my name sounds when you
say it."
His smile was a shy one. So damn cute and—
damn it. He was not cute and his smile was stupid.
started to laugh. "Seven must give you so much shit."
not wrong. I'm not the arguing type that you two seem to be." Obsessive as
hell when she was on a scent, but not really into arguing for its own sake.
maybe you need me for that." He frowned. "Okay, that came out
wrong." He looked up at her, through his lashes, those damn gorgeous eyes
stopping her breath. "Unless..."
done." But she hadn't stood. She'd meant to stand. Was she paralyzed? Had
she had a stroke in his office and couldn't move?
forced herself to her feet.
exit lacks punch." He was laughing at her but clearly not meaning it in a
cutting way. Just...enjoying himself.
much of that did he do, now that he was off the ship he clearly loved, away
from the crew he clearly adored and who loved him back, and in this row of
offices with mismatched furniture?
still here, Raffi. If we're done, should you still be here?"
you should come up for dinner."
Shit, should she get the bridge crew? What the hell was she thinking? One
minute she was pitying him for mismatched furniture and then that came out of
her mouth.
was blaming his damn eyes.
and Seven?" He frowned. "You sure she's on board with it?"
I just think you two need to get each other out of your system. A strained
dinner should be just the trick."
you as chaperone? Or participant?"
suggesting dinner. Not a throuple, Shaw. She misses you. You miss her. Also, I
know what it's like to be between jobs. That adrift feeling. She hasn't
experienced it yet. How weird it can feel."
don't think the rangers was a prolonged experience of just that?" He
sounded suddenly so protective of Seven. And it was a good point.
really liked that. "You're right. But she's never been inside and then
floating but still inside."
He shook his head. "Look, I appreciate the assist last night. I appreciate
the discretion—for some reason nobody knows about my amazing no-holds-barred
tour across the country. But you don't need to do this. I'll stay away."
but would Seven? She knew how Seven looked when she was in love. She saw it every
day with her now. The way she'd always wanted to before.
she'd also seen it from the moment he'd first commed last night to when Seven
came back from breakfast with him this morning.
loved him too. She'd had time away from Raffi to fall in love with him.
wasn't sure it was a good idea to shove them together, but she knew it was a
way worse idea to try to keep them apart. Or do nothing and have them
"meet accidentally" all the fucking time.
intel officer in her knew that sometimes an op went off course and you had to
play it by ear. Even when it didn't make the most sense, it might be the best
way to handle things. So long as you were the one running the op and not the
other way around. "I'll have her comm you to invite you. Will you come
you be there too?"
You'll only come if it's just her?"
didn't say that."
you want me there?"
didn't say that either." He winked at her.
how was he this cute when he was yanking her chain?
adorable when you're pissed, Raffi."
I'm not."
or pissed?"
We really are done now. I'll have her call you. Dress pretty. If I have to look
at you, I want a nice view."
both ways."
said I was gorgeous."
said you both were...technically."
condolences: you're like me. Recall even from an obliterated state."
yeah. No mercy from memory loss. I live with my stupid-with-alcohol moments
it does." His eyes were gentle. "I won't get drunk. Or not like
a big boy. You can do what you want." She smiled. "My favorite
flowers are orchids."
are peonies."
know. Good luck with that bouquet."
says I'm bringing flowers? Who says I'm even going to be there?"
do. And I'm never wrong. Or haven't you figured that out yet?" She made
her voice as sultry as she could and he laughed in a way she really, really
She was a moron.
was in her ready room when an ensign from supply came up. "Special
followed him in, laughing way too hard.
was a flower arrangement—if one was being charitable. A cactus with peonies and
orchids, kind of crushed together. It was the ugliest—and funniest—flower
arrangement she'd ever seen. "What the fuck is this?"
was still laughing as she pulled a card out from between the peonies read it,
then handed it to her.
read the note. Thanks for taking care of me. I owe you both. - L
sighed. "I know how he knew about peonies. But orchids too? Did you talk
to him while I wasn't looking?"
ran into him this afternoon. I may have mentioned it. Oh and you need to invite
him to dinner."
you want to. And I'd like to get to know him better. Clearly he's got a sense
of humor."
did you two talk about besides orchids?" She studied the flowers.
"And did it involve a fight to the death?"
sure didn't. Hon', it's a chance to have blue steak with someone else who loves
it. Invite him up. We'll get gussied up and everything."
would we do that?" She realized Raffi was blushing. "Wait, do you
like him?"
you do."
why am I not the one blushing?"
you're like a Vulcan sometimes. Come on. A pretty dress. What can it
rolled her eyes and commed Shaw.
answered immediately, already laughing.
so touched by your floral arrangement. It's truly...one of a kind."
thought so. Is that Raffi laughing?"
She's smitten with your gift-giving prowess. She wants you to come for dinner.
I agree. Tonight?"
also wants us to all dress up but I think that's stupid. Wear something
comfortable. We have ribeye in blue, just beamed in."
See you at seven?"
be there. Bye, Raffi."
you, Shaw."
he said, a huge crooked smile on his face as he winked at Seven and cut the
was smiling way too widely. As she fought to dial down the smile, she pushed
the arrangement to Raffi. "Our centerpiece for tonight. You have custody
until then."
am I supposed to do with it? You have the table and your desk."
flowers were not for me." She laughed at Raffi's expression. "Put
them in Crusher's seat."
won't he be surprised if he wanders up here and sits without looking?"
just shook her head at the ongoing pretend war between Jack and Raffi.
Shaw always this quick?"
yeah." Her smile was probably far too wicked but he'd been so fun to spar
with—both verbally and in the gym.
still think we should get dressed up. Can I at least pick the casual
Unless you want to make me look like a nun." Which she used to do when
they were in their less than stellar periods but still together and going out.
She hoped Raffi was secure enough now to let her wear whatever the hell she
face was downright impish.
second thought no. I'll dress myself."
She took the flowers out.
heard Sidney say, "Uhh, did that take a tumble before it got here?"
Raffi said.
they get the flowers wrong?"
softly, Seven went back to work on yet another report Command needed yesterday.
materialized on the transporter pad and saw Newton looking back. "Oh, man.
I need to apologize."
sir. You really don't. You seem fine today so whatever needed to be worked out
was, right?"
I think it might have finally been." He stepped off the pad.
"Honestly, it's really nice to be back on the ship."
nice to have you back. And congratulations on the promotion."
He took the nearest lift to the bridge, saw Raffi sitting the chair with the
flower arrangement next to her so he walked over and sat down in Seven's old
seat. "Nice flowers, yeah?"
started to laugh.
saw Sidney watching them with a confused look. "Hey, La Forge."
sir." She turned back around and he leaned back, asking, "Our captain
is where?"
a report. That's all she's been doing lately. I'm not sure I get why they're
taking as long as they are." She looked immediately uncomfortable, like
she hadn't meant to share that.
wasn't steeped in this place from ensign on. The ship she was on was irregular
as fuck for reasons we all understand and independent. So she's overthinking.
But that's good. Let it happen here, while the ship's in Spacedock. She'll
realize she understands things better than she thinks." He closed his
eyes. "I like my chair better."
not moving."
may have showed me your review."
hasn't seen it at this point?" He sighed. "Yes, it was emotional."
wasn't what I was going to say. Although it really was."
for jumping to conclusions."
was going to say"—she glanced over at him and seemed to stop for a moment.
let one side of his mouth go up—score another one for gray eyes. He knew his
were attention getters and had worn a gray sweater with his jeans to make them
even more so. Any advantage with her he was for sure going to use. "You
were saying...?"
damn it."
just laughed.
was going to say that it was clear you believed in her. That I think it's
what's carried her through this when she wanted to send a response back to
Command saying, 'Fuck you, I quit.'"
do you think they'd do with that response."
my case, they said, 'Don't let the door hit you on the way out.'"
glanced over at her, frowning.
didn't tell you?"
me what?"
I stalked Janeway. Among other sins. Mostly because I knew the fucking Romulans
were involved in Mars but did anyone believe me...?"
not in your record."
were checking?"
today. But when you and Worf briefed us. You were...impressive. I wanted to
know your background. There was a big gap, but I figured being intel, maybe it
was an ops thing I wasn't cleared for."
I was out of Starfleet. But I like the idea that others might think that if
they don't know my story. I uh...well, you won't see me drinking any of the
Malbec Seven took way too long picking to make sure it was one you liked."
did, huh?"
too long."
let himself enjoy that thought before focusing on the part of what she'd said
that really mattered. "I uh...after Wolf 359, I was a fucking mess. I was
on admin leave for a year."
turned in her chair. "For real?"
may have checked your record to find out who was sitting with his arm on my
ex's chair."
no indication of that."
a medical thing so they probably tagged it as a personal development program or
something. Since I was 'fixed' and all. Witness me last night. So fucking
you thought you were...you know."
is what we're calling it now. B Zombie."
chuckled softly. "Super stupid code, but okay." She glanced at him, her
own lovely eyes a bit distracting—was she wearing more makeup than she had been
earlier this afternoon? "But you're okay now? I don't want to have to take
you to Ohk two days in a row."
okay." The lift doors opened, the new shift coming in, and he waved to
them, got big smiles back from the ones who knew him. "You want me to go
get her?"
I'm hungry." She stood as he did and picked up the flower arrangement.
"Our centerpiece for the night. Captain's orders."
laughed softly. "Okay then."
she walked away, he could tell La Forge wanted to talk to him so he waved her
over. "Something on your mind, Lieutenant?" He beamed at her,
so proud of how she'd handled the weirdness and that she'd been promoted.
leaned in. "I thought you'd be here for the captain, sir."
says I'm not?"
looked very confused.
hanging out with my friends."
folded her arms over her chest and tilted her head.
that's not going to work on me."
we going to see you more around here?"
hope so. I miss it."
misses you too, sir. Congratulations on your promotion, by the way. I'm
thrilled for you and so is my dad."
sure which makes me happier. I'll be around, La Forge. If I can pry Seven away
from reports."
think you can." She laughed as she walked away.
turned and bounded up the stairs the way he used to before Picard came and made
everything so fucking heavy. Seven looked up and smiled at him. "I thought
I heard you."
said you were crashing on a report."
damn day." She took the dramatic inhale that told him she was so very
tired of it.
walked around to stand behind her, seeing what she was working on. "You're
giving them too much info. The more they read, the more they have more
questions, the more data taskings you get. Give them bare minimum."
not enough raises questions."
want me to send you a few of the ones I sent in?"
would be great." She turned off her terminal and turned, running into his
legs. "Back up, Liam."
did as she asked with a smile. "Sure are using my name a lot."
stood. "I sure am, aren't I? Now that I know you like it so much, I'll use
it strategically."
I should have yours?"
my name, Commodore?"
of Nine."
you can get it right when you're not being a dick."
though he'd backed up, they were still standing very close to each other.
"So...you liked my flowers?"
laughed softly. But in a way he couldn't quite read. There was
something...naughty in the way she was looking at him.
that a no laugh or a yes laugh?"
just that the message of the arrangement was, shall we say, a double
started to grin. "Do tell."
could take it as three beings fighting. Or..."
He moved a little closer.
spines of the cactus are rather..." She took a step closer. "Phallic
is the right word I think."
laughed. "You think she's figured that out yet?"
not sure. She's very quick normally. But you seem to have beguiled her."
moved her hair off her cheek, saw her eyes dilate as he did it. "No danger
of that with you. You know me too well."
I do." She gestured to the back door with a wicked little smile.
"Shall we? My lady awaits."
a bad thing in my book. I like her."
shrugged and gave her a mock innocent look and was rewarded with the cackle
that only came out when he'd really amused her. "I've missed you so
much." It was out before he could stop himself.
Her smile was a little bit helpless. "It's kind of a surprise how
it really fucking is."
looked away. "Let's not keep her waiting. She hates that."
well she should. No one should ever keep her waiting." He put his hand on
the small of her back and heard her quick inhale. Then once she was moving
toward the door, he let go.
game are we playing, Liam?" she asked softly as she led him to the lift.
enjoying life, Captain Seven of Nine. Something I don't get to do much of
lately. Perils of being on the same ship for so long. Kind of adrift."
always welcome here while we're docked." Her smile was extraordinarily
understood. The other stuff was flirtation. What she was offering now was just
kindness—and a welcome mat. "Thanks."
was sitting at the table, sipping a glass of sparkling water and regretting
leaving the bridge without Shaw and Seven when the door to the captain's dining
room whooshed open.
us?" Shaw asked as Seven came around and leaned down to kiss her.
was a really fucking good kiss. Which in any other circumstance would be super
nice but she was unsure what had prompted it: her or Shaw being here.
Seven pulled away, she saw Shaw watching them, his smile big. She expected him
to make some salacious comment on how watching two women get it on was a
straight guy's dream but instead he said, "I take it I can't do that too,
laughed before she could stop herself. God damn it, pretty eyes and her sense
of humor. Fuck him. "No."
usually his line, Raff." Seven sat down next to her as Shaw took the seat
to her other side. "He says it with far more conviction. Especially to
me." Seven nodded toward the wine she'd taken so long picking. Only it
wasn't decanted, it was in a bottle. Shit, had Seven ordered something from the
surface rather than go with her replicator pick? "Try it. I was assured
based on your previous likes that you would be pleased."
She'd been using his favorites to find something new. Logical. She could have
just said that. It would actually have made more sense than trying to pull
something he already had from the replicator.
did she need to be so nice to him? Other than the way the two of them were
looking at each other.
right as she was feeling like the third wheel, Seven turned to her and smiled.
"Raff helped me pick it out so you owe us both." Her smile was sweet
and loving as she took her hand and squeezed.
was touched, even if it was a lie that she'd done more than watch Seven peruse
the list of wines. Seven being loving in public was something she would never
get tired of. "Well, he made up for it with the amazingly thoughtful
flower arrangement." She gestured to it. "Truly a thing
bowed his head slightly, then dug into his steak. "Oh my God, so good. Our
cook is the best."
he is." Seven was acting like the meat was the giver of all orgasms.
don't eat meat?" Shaw asked her.
I do. Just not blue meat."
frowned. "So you've never tried it?"
glared at him and Seven murmured,, "Of course she has or she'd have no
basis to know whether she liked it or not. Now please let it go."
felt good. Her defending her. Although Seven was also being efficient at
forestalling conflict over a piece of beef.
in her book, no doubt.
expected Shaw to resume whatever strange flirting had been going on between all
of them but instead he asked about the people on the ship. This might have been
been off putting if they weren't also Raffi's people now too. So she knew
everyone except those that had died at Frontier Day or transferred off.
breadth of his knowledge about his people was ridiculous. She was pretty sure
JL didn't know as much about her as Shaw did about his newest ensigns.
dinner, Seven took his arm, told Raffi to get the other, and escorted him to
Ten Forward. "Drinks are on you, Liam."
why? And for us three or everyone in there?"
eyes twinkled as she hit her combadge. "Attention crew. Commodore Shaw has
put in an appearance if anyone wants to catch up with him. Also drinks are on
him in honor of his promotion, which we all made possible. Ten Forward: be
there or be square." She cut the connection.
there or be square?" Raffi said laughing.
used to say that. Old Earth saying."
think being a square would be a good thing. So stable. The foundation of
building." He looked confused.
didn't say it was an old Earth saying that made sense." They arrived at
Ten Forward and the people already in there cheered.
whole face lit up and he left Seven and her and began to make the rounds. He
came back only long enough to open his tab, then was gone again.
and Seven sat at the bar and pointed when people asked about him. They were
pointing all over because he wasn't still, always had a group waiting to talk
to him.
He really loves them."
he really does."
shocking to me is that they love him."
took such good care of us." She smiled at Raffi, but it was a sad smile.
know you miss him."
nodded quickly and looked away.
also know you're maybe a teensy bit in love with him."
swallowed visibly.
than a teensy bit even."
reached for her hand. "I would never hurt you by cheating on you."
at me when you say that would be a good start." She wasn't mad, just
then so was Seven. She could tell the minute she turned to look at her. "I
know I've been a shitty girlfriend more times than either of us can count. But
I would never do that to you." She turned back, her eyes finding him.
knew she could continue this or let it die—for tonight anyway.
decided to do the practical thing and let it lie.
Liam came up, his face flushed but not from too much drink—it seemed like
happiness making him warm. His smile was wide and open and he put his hands on
their shoulders and said, "This has been a great night." Then he
looked at her. "Thank you for welcoming me. I know it's weird."
damn eyes, that sweet smile, the timbre of his voice. God damn it.
then he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "Good night, Raff."
moved to Seven and she kissed his cheek. "Good night, Liam. Your bar tab
is huge."
was worth it. Seeing everyone." He oozed happiness and they weren't
looking away from each other.
coughed softly.
did you want to be included?" He turned to her, staring intently into her
eyes until she pushed him away. "Guess not. I'll work harder on her,
do that, Liam." Her voice was beyond sexy.
turned to her once he had left. "Seriously, hon'? What the hell?" She
realized Seven was looking at her with clear intent. "Oh, come on. How do
I know you want me or him?"
leaned in, murmured in her ear, "So if my finger were to find it's way
past your panties, I wouldn't find you...enjoying the idea of him? Not even a
little?" Her voice was husky and loving.
not fair. When you talk to me like that, I'm gonna be ready. But you can't
prove he caused it."
is pretty, though."
he's pretty."
unexpectedly sweet."
he's not being a dick."
you think I didn't notice you put on more eyeliner?"
just laughed at her.
let's get out of here." Raffi slid off the chair, waved goodbye to the
crowd in case anyone was watching, and headed to their quarters.
caught up with her before she got to the lift, holding her hand, then kissing
her in the lift, laughing as she did it. They almost got caught when the doors
opened on a deck they hadn't called for, laughed about it later as they hurried
to her quarters.
had her clothes off almost before the doors were closed, had her up against the
wall, kissing her deeply. "I love you, Raffi."
are you thinking about him?"
don't know Ms. Smoky Eyes, am I? Are you?"
laughed. "Maybe a little. But only because his eyes are pretty."
are yours." She went to her knees. "Do you want to discuss Liam or do
you want me to use my mouth elsewhere?"
that was her last coherent thought for a bit.
cuddled into Raffi, feeling boneless and utterly relaxed as she came down from
her last orgasm.
should invite Shaw over more often," Raffi said with a laugh as she kissed
her forehead and began to scratch her back the way she liked.
was all the answer Seven could get out.
did you and he ever...? I mean we weren't together then. You two might
She moved so an itchy spot would be within Raffi's reach. "Yes,
even on an away mission or when you were a little tipsy? A kiss? A look at his
privates—I bet they're ample. He seems pretty assured."
pulled away enough so she could see Raffi's face. "I'm beginning to think you
want to fuck him." She laughed.
asking if you did."
know you are. But why?"
things happen between captains and first officers."
you saying Picard and Riker...?"
but Janeway is with Chakotay now."
I'm aware of that one." She sighed and curled back into her. "Can we
not talk about Shaw?"
you want him?"
pulled away again to see her face. She hadn't sounded hurt and she didn't look
hurt. "We just had really good sex. Why are we overanalyzing it?"
it was really good sex after hanging out with him all night."
we sat at the bar and he was all over the place. You and I hung out with each
But still there was dinner. The conversation was lively. Fun."
maybe he's like watching porn together. Seriously let it breathe."
really fucking hate when you say that to me." Now Raffi sounded ticked
sighed. "I know. That's why I said it. Can we talk about how mean I am
instead of what Shaw and I didn't do while we were a command team."
be easier to say yes if he wasn't in love with you."
went very still, then she met her eyes. "No he's not. At most it's a
little infatuation. Good old-fashioned lust."
He's in love with you."
wasn't sure what to say. "Why are you doing this? We've had such a nice
sometimes brushing shit under the rug makes a big ass bulge that you then trip
over. Let's get this out in the open."
nothing to get though. Even, if you're right."
if, I'm with you. So what difference does it make?" She touched her face,
tracing her lips. "It's not like I can have you both, now is it?"
super weird, awkward silence descended. Then Raffi murmured, "We should
probably just go to sleep."
agree." She pulled her to her before Raffi could roll over. "I love
you, Raffi Musiker."
love you too." She pulled her in, stroking her hair.
fell asleep, but not before noting that Raffi had let her go and was on her
side, facing away.
was sitting in his office when Raffi rushed in, holding a toddler and a big bag
and looking frantic.
she said. "I need a favor."
I know we have a personnel shortage since Frontier Day, but that child is too
young to be recruited."
laughed—against her will, he thought—and walked over to him. "This is
Evie. She's my granddaughter."
are the sexiest grandma ever, Commander Musiker." He held his hands out
and Evie came right to him and began to play with his beard.
was looking at him like something was off.
good with her."
have a huge family. There are always kids at reunions. Jeez, Raff. You wound
me." He studied Evie. "Do you know how cool your grandmother
He looked up at Raffi. "What's the favor?"
you have a free hour? My son needed an emergency babysitter for her for the day,
and I said yes because I thought I was free, but then Seven needs me at a
meeting but only for an hour. I thought since you're kind of floating—"
That you could watch her?"
so that's why you didn't ask anyone on the ship? Because they have actual jobs?
Real fu—fun. Real funning nice, Raff." He grinned at the kid, trying to
hide that he'd been about to swear. "Evie, you want to go to the
answer. Okay, comm us when you're done. Grab Seven and we'll all get corndogs
or something."
in class all week other than this last-minute meeting."
come alone. You don't dislike corndogs, do you?"
one dislikes corndogs, Shaw." She was already backing out of the office.
"Thank you."
she was off and he was left with Evie who seemed not at all upset to be with
him. "Okay, kiddo, Unca-Lee needs to comm Auntie B'Elanna before we go to
the park." He punched in her code and she answered immediately.
have a child?"
the moment, yes. Since I officially report to you even though you won't assign
me a decent job, I'm letting you know that I'm taking the afternoon off to
kid is that?"
you think I kidnapped a child just to get out of staring at regs?"
no. You like regs. But seriously, Liam, whose is she?"
friend's. I'm helping her out. Can I go? I promised we'd go to the park."
I wish I could go with you."
large. Play hooky."
your dreams. Torres out."
right Evie, let's go." He slung her onto his hip, put the bag over his
shoulder figuring it carried diapers and other toddler things, and walked out
of Command. It was a gorgeous day and a nice walk to the park. He got himself a
coffee and then took her to the playground, where she toddled off to the
sandpit and began to dig.
sat on a bench and watched her, then once she was bored took her on the slides
and put her in the kiddie swings, and avoided the fuck out of the
merry-go-round because those things were deathtraps.
was starting to yawn and so was he. He found a nice spot of grass, prayed no
dogs had done their business nearby and dug through the bag to see if there was
a blanket. Jackpot. He got her settled on it, sang her some Irish lullabies
until she conked out, put his padd on her belly set for motion detection to
wake him if she moved too much, and closed his eyes.
communicator chirping woke him. Evie was still beside him, the padd on her
tummy. He answered, "Shaw here."
at the park playground. Where are you?"
by the gazebo. We're horizontal on the grass."
saw Raffi in the distance and held his hand up gently—he didn't want to wake
stalked over—and it really was a stalking. She moved like a jungle cat and Shaw
got a good deal of pleasure watching her move. Seven stomped, like an angry
stallion only female. She could move quietly when she wanted to, but showing
how she felt in her walk was really more her style. Raffi looked like she was
stalking prey—for the fun of it.
got closer and studied the padd on top of Evie. "You booby-trapped my
has an alarm, not a bomb. Jeez. I just didn't want her to wander off while we
were napping."
napped for you?"
we had big fun at the playground because Unca-Lee knows how to party in a
sandpit and on the slides and swings." He laughed and sat up. "She's
a little doll, by the way."
whole face changed, lit up, the love so clear. "She really is. I...I was
estranged from my son for a really long time. When she was born, I wasn't
allowed to be part of her life."
She smiled. "He's got a surprisingly mushy center."
wasn't sure he followed.
not going to tell you more than that. Just that he changed their minds. And now
I'm not grandmother non grata anymore. I'm grandmother who gets to see her
a good story."
sat down next to him. "I really would not have expected you to be great
with kids."
why'd you bring her to me?"
not entirely sure. I guess I just... Seven goes on about how you keep people
safe. I want her to be safe. Ergo..."
grinned. "I like keeping people safe. It's why I didn't put her on the
merry-go-round and spin it maniacally until she flew off like a little Evie
laughed. "Good call." She took a deep breath. "Real air. Nice
said something about corndogs."
did, didn't I?"
nodded. If they both hadn't been wearing sunglasses, he thought they might be
staring into each other's eyes. "Guess we have to wait till she wakes up
though," she said.
for you."
don't think it will be."
smile was a slow climb of her lips, the curve lovely. "You flirting,
you report me if I said yes?"
not in my chain." She grinned, a more spontaneous smile than her previous
one. "And I think you might not be as big an asshole as I thought."
I probably am. I just have my good side too."
laughed again. "Not a fan of your humor."
witness you sitting stone faced. Oh, wait, No, you're laughing." He
brushed a bug off her hair. "What you don't like is that my humor cracks
you up."
not wrong."
padd suddenly went off as Evie moved beside him—not loud though. He didn't want
to scare her if she was just shifting. It was at a tone he would always wake up
for because it sounded like an engine on the first step toward really fucking
up. "Hey, kiddo."
she said when she saw Raffi, a huge smile making her look even cuter than she
normally did. "Unca-Lee is fun."
he's so fun. Now, you want a corndog?"
I love this kid. No is my favorite word."
rolled her eyes.
tickled Evie until she laugh-screamed and asked, "How about a hot dog
a stick."
cornbread around it."
was laughing again and her smile was sweet and gorgeous.
tell you, Raffi: Seven is one lucky woman."
bet your bootie she is." She got up and took Evie's hand. "So, Liam,
gather up her stuff and lead us to the concession stand."
I take back what I said if you boss Seven around like that."
in bed," she murmured so low that Evie wouldn't hear it but he could.
he was grinning like a goddamned fool. "Good to know."
was staring at the grab and go selections, trying to decide if she wanted to
brave the main cafeteria, when she heard a familiar voice close to her ear say,
"The turkey and Swiss is actually pretty good."
grabbed it, a pack of her favorite chips, and a tall cup of dark roast with
extra sugar packets, scanned her retina to log it, and followed Liam into the
still in class?"
for Dummies."
laughed. "I don't think that's what they call it. You got time to
but let's do it."
found benches in the hall and sat, she eating quickly, him taking his time.
you're in danger of becoming Evie's back up babysitter."
she's cute."
really is."
studied her. "Raffi was surprised I was good with kids. Are you?"
please. If we hadn't found that little boy's parents on Rinallik, you would
have adopted him."
he was cute. And you're right, I would have."
was your shadow that whole mission."
recognizes damage sometimes. I think he knew there was no way in hell I was
going to let him get any more hurt than he already was."
think so too." She got up and tossed her stuff in the recycler, then sat
back down and took a long sip of coffee. "I hope this is strong enough to
keep me awake. Most of the days haven't been bad but today is."
just consider so many things a contract. Now I know why you never took
advantage of things offered to us by planetary officials."
laughed. "You haven't lived until you get a big honking bill you have to
explain—and have no contract in place to log it to. Those contracts people are
bet." She let him eat as she drained her cup and ran and got a refill. By
the time she got back, he'd recycled his food.
walk you back. Which corridor."
for excellent." She rolled her eyes. They were captains for fuck's sake,
not kindergarteners. "Did you have fun with Raffi?"
did. You missed some pretty delicious corndogs." He glanced at her, his
look gentle. "You were missed too."
smiled, could feel herself blushing.
you know why she came to me? Trusted me with Evie?"
she trusted you with Evie, then she must, at her core, trust you. God knows
she's heard me go on about how you were a dick but I trusted you anyway."
She smiled, remembering how happy Raffi had seemed after she dropped Evie back
off with Gabe and Pel. "Also, you're fun when you want to be."
could be said of you, darling." He put a really sarcastic spin on the
endearment and it made her chuckle.
She's the actual warm one of the three of us. Somehow life has not scrubbed her
heart away. And she's been through shit."
told me a little of it."
doesn't share with just anyone. She told me something interesting, that
you—" She stopped, unsure if this was wise.
I what?" He studied her. "Seven, what?"
you're in love with me."
told you that?"
nodded. "Are you?"
but obviously you don't have to do anything with it. I mean look at how I
had several years to look at how you were, Liam." She looked down. "I
fell in love with you because of how you were—when you let down your personal
porcupine deflector shield."
an image. And, uh, really? But past tense? So you're not anymore? Now that you
have her?"
not like you to jump to conclusions. You like to figure shit out, Commodore
Shaw." She saw her classroom up ahead and stopped, meeting his eyes.
were trained on her, his expression helpless and a little lost.
are you working on Raffi so you can...be with us?"
I didn't ask her to bring me her granddaughter. Maybe she's working on
had occurred to her too. "Maybe."
you ever? Three?"
but not with people I loved."
He took a step closer. "Is that something you're thinking of?"
But I don't know if I'm thinking of it because it's tantalizing but best left
alone. Or..."
if it could work."
been thinking a lot about that too. Three is a messy number if you do it
nodded. Suddenly she felt trapped between him and the wall, which was
ridiculous because there was lots of space for her to move and besides, she was
stronger than he was. But emotionally this was getting heavy.
Forget we talked about it. I don't want to get in the way of your happiness
with her—or make right now more stressful for you. I know being a new captain
is hard. Believe me, I remember all too well." He took a step back.
now she felt abandoned. Fuck, could she be anymore of a mess? "I'm not
going to forget we talked about it, Liam. But I may never mention it
stay my friend." He looked so lost again.
course. If I still like you after all we went through with Picard, I think
that's a given."
was doing Seven's eyes when the chime ring. "Come."
walked in and took in the room—and probably how Seven hadn't even taken his
knives off the wall. Did he not ask for them back or did Seven lie about having
them? She'd never been clear on that.
let me see what I'm in for." He walked around to Raffi's side and stood
watching as she finished lining Seven's eyes.
was sort of sorry she wasn't invited to the induction of the Vakarimli into
associate Federation membership. It was a cultural norm for every gender to
accentuate their eyes, and they'd asked that the attendees at the ceremony do
the same if they had eyes.
the Vakarimli had a shitload of dilithium, the Federation had agreed.
had asked her to do her eyes because she was better at drama makeup. Liam had
asked Seven to do it and she'd invited him up to have Raffi do it.
asking Raffi if she would. Which Raffi appreciated.
was doing a version of a smoky eye on Seven with black and teal and aquamarine.
The rest of her makeup was minimal, and Shaw leaned in and touched the bridge
of her nose, saying, "You have freckles."
I know. I cover them up."
was interested in that too. She'd been urging Seven to let them show.
sighed. "Because the people who taught me how to put makeup on told me
mean the Doctor?" Raffi shared a look with Liam. "The same guy who
chose straight hair and big boobs for you?"
swore this is the size they would be."
but your hair should have been wavy. Like it is now. Like you changed it to
once you were in the Rangers."
you saying you don't like her breasts? I'm confused." Liam winked at both
of them.
looked adorable doing it even though it was super exaggerated.
course I like them. But she didn't get a choice. She prefers wavy hair to
straight. Maybe she would have preferred smaller boobs."
boobs are fine."
they are." He immediately turned red. "That was the part that was
supposed to stay in my mind, not be spoken aloud."
whapped him on the arm, and he took a step back, checking out Raffi's makeup
bag. "What color are you going to do on me?"
gray, and olive green. You're going to be a beautiful man, Liam." She
handed Seven the mascara. "You can put this on yourself better than I can.
Don't screw up my work." She could have done it but she was eager to get
started on Liam.
Seven took the mascara to the bathroom mirror, Raffi patted the stool she'd
borrowed from the lounge and said, "Sit."
did it without arguing. A moment later, Seven was back, her lashes perfect as
she took Liam's place behind Raffi.
your eyes," Raffi said, as she went to work with the gray and the olive,
every now and then having him open his eyes so she could make sure she was
accentuating and not overwhelming his eyes. Then she went in with the black on
the crease and as liner. She had a single use mascara to finish it up. She and
Seven had given up trying to keep their makeup separate but she didn't want to
use theirs on him—more sanitary. Not that she thought he was a germaphobe, but
still it was the polite thing to do.
do you think, Sev?"
pretty. Go look, Liam." As he went into the bathroom, she pulled Raffi to
her for a kiss. "Thank you for doing this."
him for the babysitting. Now we're even."
shit I'm pretty!" sounded from the bathroom and they both cracked up. Then
he came out and said, "I'm drawing the line at lipstick."
would you let me make those cheekbones even more cut than they already
it. I may wash it off but we have time." He sat back down and Raffi made a
powder contour of medium purple and a pinkish brown and worked it under his
want that," Seven said. "How come you didn't do that to me."
just don't have my cheekbones, toots." He stuck his tongue out at her.
look great the way you have them."
rolled her eyes and walked away.
now you've done it," he said in a pretend whisper. "I'll have cranky
Seven all night."
blended the color down a bit so it would look more natural. "So you two
are going...together? Like together-together?"
if you say we can't." He met her eyes, and his were dead serious.
"I'd like to dance with her. To be honest, I'd like to dance with both of
you, but that will have to wait till later, since only captains and above for
this." He trailed his hand down her hair, and she leaned into it before
she realized what she was doing and eased away. "I'd sneak you in if I
could, Raff."
knew Seven was watching them from the mirror where she was getting her waves
perfect. Could hear everything they were saying. She saw Liam glance over at
her, imagined they were sharing a look in the mirror.
fun," she finally said. "I'm not going to define how much. I think
you both know where to stop."
but she pushes till you slap her down—verbally, I mean. She's way stronger than
me. So maybe you need to define?" He batted his lashes at her, and she
thought he thought he was being silly, but really his eyes just looked even
more gorgeous.
because what she was about to do was so goddamned stupid but she just didn't
care, she said, "This far—you watching, Sev?"
And then she pulled Liam to her and kissed him.
a chaste peck on the cheek or a little brush on the lips. A full on kiss, and
he pulled her to him, and they both moaned, and Seven laughed and said, "I
get to do that with him?"
kept kissing.
She waited a moment. "Maybe this century?"
still kept kissing, Raffi even opened her mouth to him and he did not hesitate.
Damn, the man was good with his tongue. That got her thinking of other
really should have gotten the first kiss, guys."
let him go, and luckily he was holding on to her because holy shit this man
could kiss—she was a little unsteady. "Come here, babe."
you two mess up my eyes, I'm going to be pissed." But Seven stomped over
and Liam pulled her in without moving Raffi too much out of the way, so she
could watch as they came together.
wasn't sure how it would feel to see Seven with him. She'd certainly been
thinking about it for the last few days. But they were just so pretty and Liam
had slid his hand down so he was holding Raffi's, his grip soft, easy.
Including her.
pulled away much sooner than she and he had done. But they had the whole
you going to kiss at the ceremony?"
they said in unison.
public. I don't want anyone thinking I'm cheating on you, Raff."
might find a darkened alley though," he said with a silly grin.
rolled her eyes but she was pleased by their answer, reassured even.
I have another?" Liam was leaning in but Seven pushed him out of the way
and was kissing her, mouth open, tongue questing, and Raffi moaned and wrapped
her leg around her.
Fuck you two really are the two most beautiful women." He was rubbing her
back with one hand so she assumed he had his other on Seven's. But then he let
go and went to the mirror to check out his cheeks. "My cheekbones look
like they could cut steel. You're a wizard with a makeup brush, Raffi."
eased away, brushing her hair off her face, her expression gentle. "We
won't go too far."
know." She smiled and said very softly, "Some night we could take him
to Frangipani." Their favorite club. Where any romantic combination was
welcome. "We could all dance?"
would be fun." She glanced at Liam. "That's enough self-ogling, Shaw.
We're going to be late."
just look so fucking hot."
rolled her eyes. "You've created a monster."
like." She saw them to the door, then laughed when Liam slipped by Seven
and caught her up for another kiss.
he pulled away, he said in an incredibly tender way, "Hell of a kisser
she is. Now, can we go?"
shook his head and said, "What we put up with, eh, Raffi?"
worth it."
to shit so." He dodged Seven's slap. "I mean, she sure is."
walked with Seven down the halls of the Federation building enjoying the looks
they were getting. "They think we're hot."
you mad that she kissed me?"
you sort of weirded out that she kissed me?"
glanced at him. "Yes. I didn't expect her to be the one to escalate
you mind that she did?"
stopped him and pushed him into a side corridor. "Yes, because now all I
can think about is kissing you."
don't hate that."
course you don't." She huffed and walked back out to the main corridor.
was a constant mystery to him how someone who'd been a drone could be so
unfailingly dramatic. But it was fun. He joined her and they made their way to
the large ballroom where every species with eyes had them made up.
no contest for best eye makeup."
there should be. You want a drink?"
it a double." She stuck close to him—she'd never been a fan of this kind
of event—and took the glass from him without comment, throwing a decent swallow
saw Tom Paris bearing down on them, his look intent. "Hi, Liam."
suppose to rescue you from him." He made an apologetic face at Shaw.
"Janeway and Chakotay are worried she's hanging with you out of some
misplaced sense of duty."
rolled her eyes, then took Liam by the arm and said in her most commanding
voice, "Take us to them."
damn, he found Captain Seven of Nine a huge fucking turn on.
led them back with a laugh, and Shaw could see the dismay on both of their
worry, Admirals. Tom did his duty. Tried to save her from me. But Captain Seven
here had other ideas."
was glaring extra hard at both of them.
it down, Sev."
took a step toward her. "I thought you were with Musiker."
I'm sure Commodore Shaw can enjoy the event without you."
sure he'd enjoy it even more if he was with me."
call." He pursed his lip and nodded in a way guaranteed to make her happy
but irritate Janeway.
you?" Chakotay glared at him.
the hell of it, he glared back but super obviously so it was more a joke glare.
What was this idiot's issue? Other than he was the ex—and from what Seven had
told him, he was the one who had done the dumping.
eyeliner needs work, Admiral Chakotay."
eyeliner is just fine."
you say so." He kept his lips closed and blew hard, making the "I
don't think so but okay" sound that invariably ticked folks off.
said, getting between them—"I take these two over to where me and B'Elanna
are sitting and you two can make the rounds?" He was already moving them.
We'll talk later, Seven." Janeway shot her a concerned glance.
made a face. "Jesus, don't I feel special."
my eyeliner, Liam?" Tom was laughing as he batted his eyes at him.
damn alluring. The missus do you up?"
do you know I didn't do it myself?" He grinned.
don't actually. You're a man of many skills, my friend. I imagine if you wanted
to do makeup, you'd do it well."
we going to talk about makeup all night?" Seven pushed past him to give
B'Elanna a hug.
with him?" At least she didn't ask it with a sneer.
still with Raffi?"
Okay then." She pulled out a padd and handed it to her. "Liam look at
this too. Does this make sense?"
more Jurati tech?"
Since we implemented the first bit of tech successfully, the Queen has
indicated she will be delivering more as we go. In dribs and drabs."
was studying it, then pointed to something on one of the schematics. "This
piece. Is it what I think it is?"
shit," he said. "This plugs that security hole we've never put in
writing but all know about."
it does." She took back the padd. "Enough for tonight. But let's meet
next week to talk about it. I'm thinking they can find someone else for the
regulations project, Liam. How would you like to oversee the installation and
performance of this tech?"
my ship?" Seven sounded very invested. But he was pretty sure it was a
good invested, even if the others might not read it that way.
won't cramp your style, Captain." She laughed at her in the best way—the
laugh of someone who knew and understood Seven. "And you're the test case.
Eventually we'll be spreading this out to the fleet. Unless you'd rather we
choose another ship...?"
didn't say that. I was just...surprised."
heard a note in her voice. A happy one. He wondered if Raffi would be happy
about the idea of him being on the ship for a while?
sure had kissed him like she would be.
did Kathryn think I needed rescuing from Shaw?"
wondering that too."
she's trying to make up for all those years of neglect." B'Elanna smiled
at him too. "And you guys didn't seem to end on a good note."
thought she'd turned me Borg." He remembered to whisper the Borg part.
like Neelix?"
not Borg." B'Elanna whispered it too. "But I can see how that would
have bothered you. Did Liam ever tell you, Seven, that he and I were in a
two-week engineering seminar back when we first got back? So unbelievably
boring. Only this guy got me through it."
you used Klingon words in hangman and counted each apostrophe as its own thing.
So unfair."
grinned. "And then you went and got assigned to ops track and we lost one
of our best engineers."
can't say I'm sorry since I met this one—and the rest of that amazing crew—but
I am happiest in engineering."
squeal of a microphone sounded.
would think by now they could figure that out..." Shaw muttered.
there with you." B'Elanna turned to the stage. "Quiet for the
speech was mercifully short. Then the orchestra started up and people went to
the dance floor.
want to dance, Liam?" Tom asked him with a grin.
have to ask me twice."
no." B'Elanna grabbed Tom's hand. "You have to dance with me first.
If you want to dance with him second—well, there's no accounting for
the glare Seven's giving me, I don't think I'll be dancing with him at any
point." He winked at them both, then let B'Elanna lead him away.
you want to dance?"
sort of digesting that you're going to be on the ship."
you okay with that? I know what's been happening might have been more fun if
you were thinking you'd be leaving me behind eventually."
don't want to leave you behind."
you think Raffi does?"
by that kiss. That was a long fucking kiss."
really was." He let every bit of enjoyment sound in his voice.
I want to dance."
took her hand and led her to the dance floor. She surprised him at how graceful
she was.
seemed to see his surprise. "The Doctor taught me."
the boob guy."
laughed but bit it back before it turned into a true cackle. "Damn it,
get you every time. I think I need to say that if you want some time to think
things over now that I'm going to be with you guys, that's really fine."
you were admiring your makeup, she mentioned taking you to our favorite
really enjoy her, Seven."
pretty sure she really enjoys you too. But I need to find out for sure. This
does change things."
know." He smiled gently. "So no dank alleys in our future
find a place to make out here—there's bound to be a few. If this does change
things for her, I at least want to kiss you for as long as she did." Her
smile was playful and sweet and he wanted to touch her face and trace her lips,
but he settled for smiling.
danced a while, then he introduced her to people she hadn't met yet but should,
other captains, admirals he looked up to. He wanted to take care of her—even if
this was all they ever had. He wanted to make sure the book she wrote really
was fucking great.
slipped out a while later but security blocked off any route except to the exit
or the transporter room.
want to walk?"
She took his hand as soon as they were clear of the building.
for what it's worth, I wanted to deck Chakotay."
laughed. "So did I. Not sure what he thought he was doing."
clearly think I was holding you hostage."
squeezed his hand. "As if you could." Then she pulled him into an
alley, going far down it, then pushing him against the wall. "May I kiss
you, Commodore?"
better or I'll put you on report."
went into his arms so easily, fit better than Raffi because she trusted him—God
love her, despite it all: she trusted him.
pulled her closer, wanting to feel her against him, wanting her to know how
much he wanted her.
finally pulled away and stroked his cheek, her eyes incredibly soft.
"You're a good kisser."
are you."
should get back."
nodded and took her hand. They talked about safe subjects on the walk to his
building. She looked like she very much wanted to kiss him as she called the
ship for transport.
night, Seven," he murmured.
night, Liam."
opened the door to her quarters and saw Raffi sitting cross-legged on the bed
talking to someone on her padd.
she said. "Seven's home. I gotta go." There was no reply as she cut
the connection. "Hey, beautiful."
back at you." She crawled across the bed and lay down with her head in
Raffi's lap.
makeup isn't that smeared. You and Shaw must not have found that alley to make
out in after all?"
did. And...we need to talk."
closed her eyes. "Nothing good ever started with those four words.
not like that." She rolled free, sat up, and eased Raffi toward her,
kissing her as tenderly but thoroughly as she could.
she eased away, Raffi searched her eyes. "Now, I'm really confused, Sev.
Did you have a good time with him?"
are we talking about what you want?" She looked resigned.
about what you want. But I need to give you some background."
gave Starfleet Jurati tech and before the regulations project, Liam was in
charge of that."
has decided to give us more. But she's doling it out slowly. And we're the test
ship for it. B'Elanna wants someone she can trust installing and assessing
performance. So she's assigning Shaw to the ship. He won't be in our chain
She looked down. "Ohhhhh." The second time sounded different.
you know I can be dense at reading subtleties when it comes to emotions. Was
that 'Ohhh' a sign of dismay—or are you intrigued?"
slipped off the bed and started to pace.
he understands that him being on the ship changes things. That maybe this
sounded fun because you could leave it behind."
could? Not we could?"
stopped and stared at her. "Do you want to leave him behind?"
But I'm with you."
you have sex with him tonight?"
I did kiss him though. But I just wanted to have kissed him as much as you
did—that was a really long kiss."
didn't mean it to be. But he's really damn good."
is. So I took how long you went and added in the kiss before we left, and then
subtracted my kiss with him and that's how long I let it go on for."
started to laugh. "And they say romance is dead." She sat down on the
side of the bed, facing away from Seven. "There's still time, to try
things, if we go slow."
is. But he's on the ship whether we do or don't." She moved back so she
was leaning against the bed. "Do you want him, Raffi?"
because...yes." She crawled up to join Seven and curled into her.
"There's a part of me that's mad. That wants you for myself. That wants me
just for you."
there's another part of me that knows we were broken up when you met him. For
the second time. And that if I say no, you might leave again."
broke up with me."
because you'd leave me. Even when you were lying right next to me. And I can't
take that. I can't lose you again. If he's what we need..." She sighed.
"Just promise me one thing."
you only want him, you have to be honest with me. As soon as you know."
if you only want him?"
shot her a glare. "When do I ever want anyone more than you?" She
motioned toward the padd. "That was Worf. He's..."
love with you. I see it every time he comes to visit."
nodded. "And I love him. But you're my person. And now I think maybe Shaw
could be too. If he's really as fun as he's been so far. And not just fun. Evie
is so fussy about who she wants to be around—she loved him, Seven. She keeps
talking about Unca-Lee to the point that Gabe asked me if I'd bring my new
boyfriend to dinner."
did you explain?"
told him he was just a good friend. Of both of ours. Gabe already thinks I'm
out of control, even if he's let me back in. Do we really need to add to that
with a threesome?" She turned to really look at Seven. "Say that it
works? Say we go slow but find out that this is what we want? How open do you
plan to be?"
didn't look away. "I lost so much time in the collective, in the Delta
Quadrant, being a ranger. I was alone more than with people. I know it's not
smart for my career to be open, but I don't care. I love you and if I love him
once we try this, then I want to be as open as we can. But, and this is huge
but, what I want isn't as important as what you two would want. It's your
careers too. So if you want to be discreet, even hide it, then I'd do
it wouldn't be your preference?"
But this is up to you. I need you to think about whether you even want to do
this, to include him. Or does it stop here, with a few kisses? No harm, no
won't pursue you on his own?"
really don't think he will. He said to take as much time as we needed to figure
out what we want."
want you happy. And...I'm not over the moon necessarily about this but he's so
goddamned smart. And he's fun. And he's so..."
Damned sexy." She made a funny face at her. "How did you manage to
not sleep with him when you served with him?"
were too busy being at each other's throats to stop and ask ourselves why. I
was mad at the name thing; he was mad that I was reckless. I think though, that
love was at the core. I felt it from him, how he felt, but then he'd knowingly
hurt me with the choice of name. And he valued safety so highly and he knew I
knew it—but I was reckless anyway. Betrayals on both sides."
do you want to do?"
to Frangipani. Just enjoy a night out and see how it goes. Maybe he's only fun
for a few hours."
rolled her eyes.
could happen. And then we'd know and we'd be done with him. For that I mean.
Our friend Liam would still be on the ship." She kissed her again,
sweetly, no pressure. "Think about it. We can talk later."
took her hand and squeezed as she shook it a little bit. "Here's the
thing. If I said no and he was going to be on Earth, that'd be one thing. But
if I say no and he's going to be on this ship, how long will you stay away from
You're the one who seems to be seeking him out. Before the dinner. Giving him
just trying to manage this. And I knew he'd keep Evie safe. I'd never gamble
with her well being. Answer my question. How much do you love him?"
lot. But I'm not going to cheat on you."
would you break up with me?"
felt so helpless at the calm way Raffi had asked that. Couldn't answer in any
way but the truth. "I don't know."
then. I'll call him tomorrow."
can take a few days."
can make fast decisions. It's the intel thing."
a command thing too. One reason I wanted you for my first officer."
kissed her gently. "I'm sleepy. Go wash off all that makeup and come to
slipped off the bed and smiled. "We had the best eyes. Hands down."
of course you did. You had me doing it."
next day, after shift, while Seven lounged on the bed reading, Raffi took a
deep breath and punched in the code for Liam. He answered, looking distracted.
"Shaw," he said without even looking at the screen.
a bad time?"
whole demeanor changed. "Hey. No. I thought you were my cousin
laughed. "Seven and I want you to go out with us. To a club we like called
heard of it. Supposed to be fun." He studied her. "I have a counter
offer but not because I don't like your choice of venues. The reason my cousin
is comming me incessantly is because he needs an emergency babysitter since
he's the biggest dipshit in our family and has made his wife think he loves her
only for her ovaries. I got him a nice table at another cousin's
restaurant—it's a long story why he couldn't do that himself. See above for
dipshit. Anyhow, they've got twins about Evie's age. I'm taking them to the
world's greatest indoor playground while mom and dad rekindle their love. You
want to bring Evie along?"
was charmed and nodded. "I'll have to call Gabe to find out if she's got
space for us on her social calendar."
Will you come even if Evie can't?"
was suddenly pushing in. "Am I invited to this? I feel very third wheel
hon', you're like the fifth wheel if you put the twins before you—sixth if Evie
can squeeze us in."
you, Liam." But she was laughing and she laughed even harder when he
murmured, "There she is. Thought you'd gone soft on me."
me call Gabe and we'll get back to you."
we're coming." Seven glared at her. "The two of us, not just
I know that. Relax." He gave her the sexiest look possible and Raffi felt
a surge of jealousy, but she wasn't sure if it was because he was doing that to
Seven or because he wasn't doing that to her.
was more than a little confusing.
it works out with Evie, let's meet up at seven at the Central transporter?"
place is crazy at night. Evie's not great when you have to wait in long
grinned. "Neither am I. Fortunately flag officers and other high-ranking
officials have a dedicated line. See you there."
cut the connection and she called Gabe, explained about the outing, and Gabe
said, "Yes. Please. If I have to hear about how fun Unca-Lee was one more
day, I'm going to go nuts."
only hear more if the twins are nice and the playground is all Liam says."
Seven to not make it better.
made a face that was probably a mirror image of Raffi's own. "So this Liam
guy. Old friend or something? Mom's evasive."
former captain."
Why didn't she just say that?"
she's intel at heart and nothing is more fun than a secret. Even if it's not
really one." She grinned at Gabe, and this time Raffi didn't mind her
speaking for them because that was the mother of all evasions.
are not wrong. Bless you for putting up with her."
I put up with her too, son."
Mom. We'll see you later."
changed into casual clothes, had a quick dinner, and beamed down to the
transporter nearest Gabe.
glad he's not still on Freecloud," she murmured and Seven agreed.
was drama over which coat Evie was going to wear, but eventually they got her
settled, Seven had the bag full of everything they might need, and they set off
for the central transporter, which was just a few blocks away.
saw Liam before they'd did. "Unca-Lee!" she yelled at an
ear-splitting decibel.
here, you," he said, holding out his hands and taking her once she'd
leaned in. "How's my favorite Evie?"
slung her on his hip and Raffi glanced at Seven who was smiling as if this was
not unexpected behavior.
not overwhelmed by his paternal instincts?" she whispered.
them in action on Rinallik." But she had a super sweet smile, so the charm
of Unca-Lee was clearly not lost on her.
led them past the crowds to a special area, scanned his retina, told the
technician where to send them, and they were off.
get used to this," she told Evie.
decided against me?" He mock pouted.
all be on the ship. She'll be navigating transporter stations with her parents.
My caution stands."
point." He looked over at Seven. "You're quiet tonight."
enjoying." Her voice was carefree, her smile very tender.
smiled and turned back to the tech. "Chicago here we come." As they
walked out and to the playground, Liam said, "So my dipsh—my cousin's name
is Carter. His kids are Maria and Tamara. They are much smarter than he is, so
do not judge them by him. Stacy is his wife and she's an absolute sweetheart,
which is why we're doing this. Well and for the girls. He's beyond help."
found them inside, in the waiting area and the twins rushed Liam, yelling,
pried Evie away from him so his own kin could have a chance. Seven took the bag
Stacy was holding. He had a twin on each hip as he told his cousins to have a
good time and led the way into the playground proper.
cow." She and Evie were equally entranced. The place was like a fairy
land, fantastical and lush.
toddler area's down here." He marched confidently down, talking the whole
time to the twins who were both talking back at once.
got the kiddie magic," Raffi murmured to Seven.
Her smile was strained.
you want to hold Evie and I'll take the bags?"
I'm fine."
She tried not to take that as a rejection of her. But Seven had pulled away from Elnor the last time they'd fallen apart, before Raffi had left. And now sh