DISCLAIMER: The Star Trek characters
are the property of Paramount Studios, Inc and Viacom. The story contents are the
creation and property of Djinn and are copyright (c) 2024 by Djinn. This story
is Rated R.
Command Teams (Part 3)
by Djinn
was in her ready room with the door open to the bridge so people could come in
and use the replicator, when she heard Sidney suddenly say loudly,
"Captain on the bridge."
fucking captain?
got up and walked to the door and saw Worf moving toward her. "Captain
Seven of Nine." He inclined his head but there was little that was
friendly in his manner.
again he was a Klingon. He had as big a resting bitch face as she did.
Worf. Please." She gestured for him to come up.
is on break?"
she unexpectedly got into a seminar she really wanted to take. She'll be gone
overnight. She didn't tell you that? Her new suitor and all?"
she did tell you I am pursuing her?"
has honor." She walked around to her desk, sat and left him standing.
"Why are you on my ship? Surely not just to visit her?"
is you I wish to speak to." He gestured to a chair at the table. "May
I sit?"
you going to be here that long?" She let her eyebrow rise and her head
tilt in the combination that used to totally piss Liam off.
you wish to dispense with formalities, we shall. I know you have deep roots
with our future CINC. I do not wish to find myself suddenly transferred to a
moon on the other side of the quadrant."
wouldn't be this quadrant." She smiled as falsely as she could.
course. So I thought I should ensure that you do not play your hand that
was with the poker metaphors and the Picard people? She lifted her eyebrow
again, hopefully he'd figure out she wanted him to just get to the point.
have been in a mood to reminisce about those moments aboard the ship, before we
boarded the shuttle to the Enterprise-D."
had no idea where he was going with this but did not like his tone. So self
assured. "And...?"
were not unaffected by the call of the Borg."
but since I'm also a big damn hero, I fought it off."
you? Or was it perhaps that another queen already held dominion?"
went very still.
Picard was very helpful on why he thought you were able to fight it off, being
so recently reassimilated by the Jurati Queen. I checked your file. Your ties
to the Jurati are not noted."
scoffed. "So you think I'm her spy? Also, they're Federation
now." Clearly he didn't know about the tech, which was fine with her.
"So this is your big plan? Run me off for undisclosed links with the
walked to the viewscreen. "Do you know what else is not noted in the logs
for that day?"
things, I assume. It was a rather hectic day."
Commodore Shaw died."
was wounded. That's on his medical report."
heard him fall. Picard told us all the hit was fatal."
Picard is many things but doctor isn't one of them."
He turned to look at her. "There were no guards or drones on the
maintenance level but there were surveillance cameras. And while someone did an
excellent job editing out anything after Shaw fell, I was able to retrieve the
missing footage. As well as footage missing later from sickbay, during the time
he was...recuperating."
forgot how to breathe.
another member of the Jurati collective—one who clearly owes them his life? And
a doctor who falsified records. It won't just be you going down, Captain."
swallowed too visibly and was pissed when he clearly noted it. "A friend
of mine would call this the nuclear option."
know the reference. And yes, it is."
if I just tell Raffi you did this? Threatened all of us?"
would be angry with me. But do you think she might not also find it romantic.
It is, after all, something I am only using to prevent you from playing
I don't think she would find you blowing up three people's lives romantic. And
I have plenty of honor."
that so? How many times did you kill a person simply because you wanted them
dead? I am not a fan of the Rangers."
justice being so much more palatable. What was the name of the woman you
killed? The one you thought was a changeling?"
froze. "I did not think Raffaela would tell you about that."
didn't. Riker has a big mouth."
seemed to exhale with relief. "Do not seek to escalate this matter to
Admiral Janeway and we will never have to find out how Raffaela feels about
this. Or perhaps tell her and see if the idea of saving you three doesn't help
her make her mind up all the more quickly—in my favor."
was actually a distinct possibility. Raffi could feel both noble and treasured.
the fuck off my ship, Captain. And don't come back without official orders
without clearing it with me first."
if your first officer invites me aboard?"
realize I can create official orders."
realize I will log those orders."
can, as we've seen, be changed."
are you with Borg encryption?"
smile was grudgingly impressed. "Touché, Captain. I will leave you in
Real peaceful."
watched him to make sure he got onto the lift, then said, "Computer,
location of Captain Worf from now until he is off the ship."
It began droning locations as Worf got off on the transporter room deck and
then beamed away.
to transporter room."
room here."
did Captain Worf just beam to?"
course he did. Thank you. Seven out." She took a deep breath and then another.
Once she felt sufficiently calm, she sat at her terminal and looked up the
registrar's office, hitting the link to contact.
Captain Seven of Nine." The young lieutenant on the line was clearly a
fan. "How can I help you?"
look young enough to have been..." She made the face she'd learned worked
with all the young officers who'd been so briefly assimilated, and he nodded.
"How are you doing?"
you for asking, ma'am. And I'm fine. Other than..." He looked around.
nodded. "Do they ever go away?"
right away. But eventually." They'd probably be replaced with new things
to have nightmares about because life was an unmerciful bastard, but she'd
resist telling him that.
good to know." He leaned in. "What can I do for you?"
actually, I just wanted to thank you for getting my first officer into the
Leadership Seminar in Monterrey. She was so sad she was only waitlisted. But
then at literally the last minute she got in."
had a surprise cancellation. But that's how those intel types are. You sort of
book them in with a note to have back-up names."
hopefully they'll get in on the next one."
probably prefer that. Who wants to come when your boss is the keynote speaker
at dinner? How to not relax, right?"
groaned and nodded. "So the keynote speaker must leave though, right? The
attendees still have the night to kick back and relax."
no, the keynote holds a fireside chat thing after dinner. Then they stay the
course they do. Coming back late would be..." She wanted to punch the
the word I was thinking, Lieutenant...?"
Badgley. Well, again, thank you. I'm sure this means the world to her."
was an honor to talk to you ma'am."
cut the connection and forced herself to sit very still until she didn't want
to break things. Then closed down her terminal, gave Mura the conn, and left
out the back way. "Computer, location of Commodore Shaw."
Shaw is in his office."
could have the transporter room send her right there, but he'd fucking kill her
for being reckless. She took the time to have them send her to the main Command
hub and hurried to his office, hoping he hadn't left for a meeting.
hadn't. "Hey. To what do I owe this pleasure?"
laughed at his expression. "Can I lock the door and make out with
yes to that. In fact, Computer, lock door."
walked to her and pulled her into his arms. They kissed for a long time but
then he eased away and asked, "What's going on?"
I do a sleepover tonight?"
my place?"
Raffi's at the Leadership seminar at Monterrey. They had a late cancellation
and she was free. The person who cancelled was intel. Guess who the keynote
speaker is for this running?"
me." There was grudging respect in his eyes. But also a bit of anger too.
decided telling him the rest of it would have to wait. One of them should have
a good day at work.
this is tit for tat? Do we think they're hooking up?"
have no idea. And I'm relatively certain that she doesn't know he's the
speaker. Well she does now because she's seen the syllabus but didn't before
she left. So the way I figure it, if she calls to tell us he's there, we'll
tell her we're at your place if she needs us. If she doesn't, then why bother
her with our current location."
frowned. "You're telling the truth about Worf being there, but you're
lying about something else."
No." Fuck. How did he always know? "I'll tell you later. I need to
handle something first."
eyes narrowed. "Am I going to like this."
I think you will." If she managed to fix things. She pulled him back to
her and kissed him some more. "I love you. Have a good day. Call me when
you're home."
we can play tonight, why don't we? There's a band I like. Local guys, just at a
you wear a lot of leather?"
laughed and nodded. "Let me out."
unlock door."
is unlocked."
she was off, heading for the elevator that would take her to the back end of
the executive suite Kathryn was in. The back end because she wanted Kathryn's
exec, the king of all things rumored and hidden.
the man who had taught her the historical meaning of mutually assured
destruction. Mostly by making her watch James Bond movies.
walked right past the back receptionist the way she always did—the guy was
terrified of her—and headed for Tom's office.
you," he said when she knocked on the frame of his open door. "Come
need your help. I know Kathryn wouldn't have appointed Worf to head of intel
without vetting him. But I also know she would have tasked you to check with
your various sources. I need something on him."
can't give you that."
assured destruction. Or the belief that we have that. That's what I need. Just
give me a few words that will let him know I have something that equals what he
has on me. They can be meaningless to me. Just not to him."
shook his head.
you want to explain to B'Elanna why Liam is being drummed out?"
no. But what did he do."
except get Neelixed."
I heard he was killed but then he was walking around so..."
from who?"
laughed at her. "I never divulge my sources—you know that. Thank you for
doing that. He's a great guy."
would Worf have it out for him?" He started to laugh. "Oh wait, is this
about the thing Chakotay was talking about to Kathryn that I wasn't supposed to
gave him the eyebrow.
of Nine, you little minx you. All right. Celestine ladders. I guarantee
whatever he's got on you will pale in comparison."
means nothing."
you. Which is what you asked for and what I can give. Now get out of here. I
have a meeting in a few."
you, Tom."
me by making Liam happy." He started to laugh. "Although I'm not sure
he deserves this embarrassment of riches. You think you three need a fourth and
fifth for bridge or nude croquet or something?"
And she turned and left, stalking out and not stopping until she was back on
the ship. She sat in the chair, closed her eyes for a moment until she could
feel her ship, and took a moment to commune. Then she walked into her ready
room and hit her combadge once the doors closed. "Seven to Worf."
laughter was quickly cut off but real. "It is lovely. Shall I say hello to
Raffaela when I see her?"
ignored the dig. "I assume you're somewhere safe to talk?"
am. As much as one can on an open comm line."
you familiar with the concept of mutually assured destruction?"
was a long pause and then, "I am."
silence was so complete she thought the connection had dropped. Then he coughed
slightly and said, "Yes. That does...change things."
contest is on, and I accept that. But if you ever threaten me or mine again
that way, you'll find out what an ex-Borg, ex-Ranger, ex-cage fighter trained
by a Hirogen can do when she calls you out. Are we clear?"
are. How did you...find that information."
used to find lots of things in the armpits of the quadrant as the ranger you so
dislike. Finding something on you here was child's play. Enjoy your evening. Oh
and treat her well or I'll kill you for the fun of it. Seven out."
she cut the line.
got back up, walked out to her chair, and leaned back, smiling in the way Liam
used to call dangerously self satisfied.
she was. That had felt so fucking good.
was headed for the elevator, looking to decompress before dinner—and not deal
with Worf, except he came around a corner, saw her, and rushed the doors.
bit back a sigh as he forced them open.
this is a—"
you say 'surprise' to me, I will knee you in the groin so hard you will cry big
baby tears." She hit the door close button before her classmates could
join them. "What the hell, Worf? You engineered this and don't say you
mentioned that you were interested in the class."
had talked about a lot of things that night walking around after dinner. She
may have. "Okay but the person who dropped—were they one of yours?"
did not want to go in the first place and were very grateful to be given an
we're back to this—you might as well be faceless words on a screen." The
door opened to her floor and she stormed off. Then she turned and shoved her
hand against his chest since he was following right behind her. "You are
not coming in. God damn it, Worf. You puppet-mastered me all through the whole
Red Lady bullshit and that was okay because it was an op. But I am not an
had the grace to look repentant. Sort of.
will see you at dinner. And for your fireside thingie. Stupid ass name. There
isn't even a fire going."
will ask for one if you want it."
are really not listening."
am. What other direction should I have gone from you noting the lack of a
fire?" He had the look Jae had often worn—the "I can't win"
would have understood. Ironically she thought Liam would have too. So this was
not due to the 'dick makes me stupid' factor it was the 'just generally
clueless' factor. "Go away. Maybe, if I feel so inclined, after dinner, we
can go for a walk. Maybe. Now, I'm going to go call my girlfriend and tell her
you're here so she doesn't think I'm sneaking around on her and my new
face did something weird.
was that? What expression was that exactly?"
of Nine knows I am here."
had to stand very still so she didn't hit him. "I see. And why does she
I decided to launch an opening salvo. A quick, surprise attack."
guessing that didn't go well?" She rolled her eyes in what was probably a
pretty good imitation of Seven.
was a more...formidable opponent than I had anticipated."
shit. She survived for years doing crap we'd get killed at."
doubt the veracity of that claim."
know what you can do with that doubt?"
it and leave until later when perhaps you will walk with me if you feel so
you were listening. Good." She turned and headed down to her room and this
time he didn't follow her.
Seven was going to be so mad. She commed her on the hotel terminal so she had a
big screen and smiled at what she was wearing. "Oooh, sexy."
Is it a good seminar?" Seven's happiness at seeing her was unmistakable
and Raffi felt the tension of the day slide off.
she thought about Worf. Fuck.
a great class. But Worf's here—as guest speaker, not an attendee. I swear I
didn't know."
know. He and I had a bit of an interaction today."
may have indicated that." She was distracted by Seven's cleavage as she
shifted, so she studied her outfit. "Not that I mind but why are the girls
so prominent and all this leather is happening?"
wants to go listen to a band. He asked me to wear leather. I feel like I'm
trying too hard."
up." She assessed. Black leather jacket, black leather tight pants, black
leather boots, black low cut top. "I know I love your ranger get up, but
that much leather for going out, not a good look. Also you look like you're in
started to laugh. "Fashion is confusing."
the jacket and the boots. Grab my denim skirt and the button-up white shirt.
Unbutton it some, but a little less boob than what you've got going on
That black top's just for me."
laughed but slipped off the jacket and boots and pulled the top over her head,
then began to dig through Raffi's side of the closet. "Since when?"
now. He coming back with you?"
be here soon to get me but we're doing a sleepover at his place." She
pulled on Raffi's favorite white shirt and the jean skirt and then pulled the
jacket and boots back on. "Better?"
look so hot."
was definitely trying too hard before."
looked good in the black, mostly leather thing too. But it's a different
message you were sending. More sexy assassin, less fun girlfriend." She
laughed. "Wear red lipstick. That one I have that doesn't come off no
matter how much you kiss."
I have put that to the test." She was staring into the screen, not looking
away, but then she swallowed more visibly than normal. "I need to tell you
that I was really mad at Worf. And at you because of Worf. Going to Liam's
instead of staying here was my idea and—" She sighed. "I think it was
you're telling me about it. So pretty inefficient payback."
you called. If you hadn't—if you'd just been with him and left it not knowing
if I was in the dark or not..." She shook her head as her eyes started to tear
up—she always got pissed when she cried during a discussion.
reached out and touched the screen. "Babe."
shook her head again. "Fuck." She did the looking up at the ceiling thing
she did to try to stop tears. "And the way he just waltzed onto the
shit, no. I thought he meant he did it at Command. Big mistake. So big."
She started to laugh. "Whatever he did, he seriously underestimated
it was an epic flop, Raff. And I was so pissed off. I told him if he didn't
treat you well, I'd kill him for fun."
he doesn't treat me well, I'll kill him for fun. But...nothing's going
to happen tonight."
don't know that."
do actually. This is a class that I want and need. These are my cohort. I don't
need him horning in and making googly eyes while I should be networking. I want
to be respected, not having people think I'm sleeping with the keynote speaker.
And let me just say that being 'managed' sucks. Why didn't you tell me?"
laughed. "Yeah. How did I never mention that?"
I tell you that I like this—that it's bothering you that he's here,
interested—don't get mad, okay?"
course it bothers me. I love you. I don't want to lose you. Having Liam in the
mix doesn't change that. I'm sorry that I let you feel like I wouldn't
didn't exactly but...things can get kind of hands off."
with Elnor?"
was quiet for a long beat. "We're being honest so I'll tell you that he
and I are never going to be mother and son because the first relationship we
forged was friendship. And we are that. I talk to him quite a bit."
knew she was beaming. "For real?"
for real. I mean, he was on the cube with me before you took him on. I love
him. He's earnest and curious and brave and his heart had to heal from being
abandoned. I resonate with him the same way I do with Jack."
leaned back. "Here I wanted you to be a parent and you've been busy
being...a big sister."
it have to be a relative? My parents weren't exactly role models."
works though—it's not like you had shitty siblings, after all. Unless you count
every single drone..."
laughed at Seven's expression. "Go put the lipstick on. I want to see the
final product. And a little mascara. And just a hint of blush."
Hold on." She disappeared into the bathroom. "Can you still hear
need to work on our encryption."
me, we do. We'll put our heads together when you get back. I'm thinking a
B-hacker hybrid."
did they start calling all things Borg "B"? "That's so not
well, regulation isn't getting the job done." She came back out.
done her blush just right, her waves were sexy as hell, her eyes sparkled, and
her lips...
are so beautiful. You know that, right? And the implants are working for you.
So hot."
touched the one over her eye. "It seems like a long time ago that I didn't
have them." She smiled tenderly. "Long ago and far away."
chime sounded and Seven said, "Come."
walked in, looking scrumptious in jeans and a black leather jacket, saw the
terminal, and hurried over, saying, "Raffi, how is our student?" He
glanced at Seven, then looked at her again. "Oh my God you look good.
People are going to be so jealous of me." He sat down in front of the
screen. "Next time, we'll all go and I'll have two beautiful women on my
we'll have you on ours." Seven never missed a beat with him. Their
repartee was almost a work of art.
works. Good class?"
Except Worf's here."
you liked him." He looked like he really hoped she didn't anymore.
need him horning in on my learning time. I mean he was scheduled as a speaker
for months—I checked when I got here. But still, my getting in was his
the next running is after the ship is due to leave. So enjoy the machinations.
But don't reward them."
was actually really good advice, but she was in the mood for some repartee too.
"You just don't want me to fuck him."
of us do," Seven said, leaning in. "Enjoy your night. However you
however you want. Don't listen to her." He pouted so prettily.
was your idea that she be allowed to fuck him."
wasn't my idea. I was just pointing out that if she didn't, she might wonder.
And we need wonder-free Raffi. Not, free of wonders, because you're full of
those, but you know, sure of us." He leaned in and kissed the screen.
"Come back to us free of Worf cooties. We miss you."
miss you too. I have just enough time to decompress before dinner. I hope Worf
is a good speaker."
I don't." Liam laughed as Seven pulled him away.
night, Raff. We love you." With a last grin, she cut the connection.
love you too," she said as she moved to the bed, set her padd alarm for a
quick nap, and fell asleep thinking about how gorgeous they'd looked—and what
she would wear the next time they went out.
bar was packed and Liam was leaning against a pillar with Seven pulled up
against him, her back to his front. They weren't drinking—not anything they'd
talked about. Logistically it was just a pain without a table and would make it
difficult to hold on to each other the way they were.
for her to grind against him the way she was.
shit, this woman. Both of them, really. Seven had told him Raffi had picked the
outfit and makeup.
had outdone herself. He knew they looked good together because people were
doing double takes as they'd pass by. The fact that his hands were under her
jacket and clasped beneath her breasts probably only added to the picture they
were making.
loved this band anyway, but listening to them with her was so much better. Or
maybe it was just how hard she was making him by the way she was moving her ass
against him. Fortunately the band was occasionally very loud and he could groan
in her ear and make her laugh without disrupting anyone else's experience.
took all his willpower to keep his hands where they were and not go lower or
higher, crowd be damned. Although it was so jammed when people were trying to
get to the bar that he thought he might be able to get away with it if he timed
it right.
leaned her head back and turned for a kiss, and not a short one. He heard
several people around them groan and laughed into her mouth because fuck yeah,
he'd be turned on—and super jealous—too if he were them. She was grinning as
she eased away from him and went back to grinding gently.
imagined Raffi in his place, holding her, him watching them from the bar, eyes
never leaving theirs. Then he put Raffi in Seven's place and tried to imagine
Seven at the bar but could only come up with sort of a conga line of grinding
and let out a laugh.
she said, turning to look at him.
you later." He rubbed her nose with his and loved how her look changed from
sensual to surprised and delighted. She wasn't used to him being whimsical and
he kind of hated that. But on the other hand, imagine how many times he could
give her a happy just by not being a huge dick.
the band wrapped up, she turned in his arms and asked, "What was so
was imagining how we would have arranged ourselves if we'd had three instead of
two. First I went with her where I was and I'd be over at the bar, watching you
two like a giant pervert."
then I put Raffi in your place and tried to imagine you at the bar, but all I
could see was you getting in front of her and we'd have this conga line thing
with you grinding on her and her grinding on me." He grinned stupidly.
"I think it was funnier in my head."
it's good. I like that you think about all of us. Not just the woman taking
such pains to make you crazy." She mock glared at him then pulled him down
and kissed him, so much tongue, so much moaning—he was just fucking lost.
me," a super sexy voice said in his ear. "Do you guys need a
both stopped kissing and looked at the really, really stunning guy staring back
at them.
very pretty," Seven said with a soft smile. "But we already have a
third. And we love her."
you I give you my number anyway?"
Shaw said in the subvocal way they'd worked out during their time as a command
laughed and pulled out her padd to write the number down on. She winked at Shaw
as she stuffed the padd back in her jacket pocket then told the guy very
sweetly to go away.
in case?" she asked once he was gone.
we may need to interview folks for adventurous times if we lose Raffi. I'm not
saying I want him for a permanent fixture."
you do Raffi?"
I do Raffi." He touched her lips. "She pick out the lipstick?"
it's hers. So are half the clothes. She basically dresses me."
damn it, why is that sexy?"
pressed a little harder against him. "Because I've made you crazy. I could
talk about warp coils and you'd think it was sexy."
that is sexy. Straight up, no lie." He pulled her back in for a kiss.
"You want a drink?"
I want to go back to your place and make love to you."
was really hoping for cheap beer and stale pretzels instead." He laughed
at her expression. "Give me a grind-free minute and we can go. Although
you really have me worked up."
know. But you have amazing willpower."
do, don't I? I am a god of that." He laughed. "Hey, tell me why you
were so pissed off today. That oughta cool things right down."
was afraid I'd ruin the game by running to Kathryn and having him transferred
far, far away."
concern. I mean you wouldn't do that, so that part wasn't valid. But if you
did, Kathryn has all that guilt about Chuckles and abandoning you to the Ranger
life. I bet she'd send him on a solo mission to inventory comets or
laughed, but then her expression changed. To one that was serious in the way
he'd always taken serious as her captain. "He threatened us. You, Ohk, and
me. He found the missing footage."
fuck. But why me?"
ties to the Jurati. Same with me only I'm, per him, a member of her
not sure. I think she did save me when the queen was trying to assimilate me
with all the younger crew. But Agnes has never asked anything of me. I've never
felt her inside my head the way I used to the queen when I was a drone. If I am
hers, it's a pretty mellow assimilation."
I'm not B, right?"
really don't think you are. But he could make the argument that since the N's
were used, and they were Agnes boosted, that you're Jurati adjacent if not
outright affiliated."
we have to worry about this? Do we need to tell Ohk?"
I found something that was just as bad on him."
can't. I mean I would if I knew what it was. Tom would only give me some words
that would mean something to Worf. And they did." She began to laugh.
"I owned him so fucking hard, Liam. I really was James 'T is for Take
That' Kirk."
course you were. And God love Tom Paris."
He volunteered him and B'Elanna for nude croquet if we need more members."
to know since you may have started a collective."
laugh was the cackle that popped out without her control. It probably lowered
the 'so sexy I'm on fire' quotient for her a bit with any observers, but he
fucking loved it. "Can we go now, Liam?"
Yes we can."
walked with Worf after the fireside chat thing ended and she'd had time to
network in the bar. The glory of tonic water with lime—no one could tell if it
was a drink or not.
thought he'd sit and glower but he'd been such an entertaining speaker both for
the keynote and the more informal Q&A by the nonexistent fire, that he had
a whole group clustered around him, peppering him with questions.
turned back to the group she was with and just enjoyed being part of command
track, having "arrived" after such a damned weird journey. The cadet
she'd been would never have believed the turns her life would take.
the evening began to break up, she met Worf's eyes and smiled, rising to go to
the door that looked out on the beach.
moment later he joined her. "A walk?"
were quiet until they were out of earshot of the hotel, then she said, "I
didn't realize you were such a good public speaker."
is something I have worked at."
never know. You seem like a natural." They hit a place where they could
walk along the road or down on the beach. "You like beaches?"
am agnostic, but anyplace with you would be a superior experience."
Worf." She grinned and slipped off her sandals so she could walk barefoot
in the sand. "That was downright romantic." She glanced at him, saw a
shy little smile.
was adorable.
was once humbled—even shamed—by a public speaking incident."
was invited by the Celestines to speak of my experience as the first Klingon in
Starfleet. I was arrogant back then and believed I could deliver an interesting
speech without researching the audience, what they would expect."
Worf. They're brutal if they hate you. They hated you?"
to throw things?"
no. For they, unlike myself, did take the time to research what a Klingon might
most dislike having thrown at him."
So. Many. Tribbles." He took a deep breath. "It was unexpected and
they overwhelmed me. I looked at the crowd and saw only open mouths and
uplifted hands, all holding those horrible beasts. To my side also. So, I
decided to escape via the catwalk. Using their ladders."
have hollow bones like birds. Did their ladders even hold—"
they did not. I broke three before I found one that seemed to be strong enough
for my bulk. I was halfway to the top when it broke and I was dumped back to
the stage, falling into a pile of tribbles. I could not move without touching
one. I...I believe I disassociated for a moment. Then someone came and helped
me off the stage." He met her eyes. "But not without a great many
Celestines capturing this on video. I have spent my life rooting out copies and
destroying them. But someone has one. My greatest shame and it is known
was trying to look sympathetic but she just started to laugh.
is why I now do my research before a speech. Practice for all
tribbles?" She started laughing harder. "I'm so sorry."
began to laugh too. "There have not been any tribbles since."
I understand your reaction on Daystrom Station to the attack tribbles."
a nightmare." He put his arm around her in a very smooth movement. "I
share this moment with you, Raffaela, knowing you will not share it
won't. It's a very funny visual. Unless I think of how disoriented you might
have been—I've been there. Looking like a fool on some drug and people think
you're just reacting but there's a lot more going on inside you than just a
little reaction."
I was not expecting to be a failure, but one cannot please every audience even
with appropriate research. But to have such a creature thrown in such
then to have slapstick humor be the next part."
were laughing very hard at me. Some of the videos are quite shaky and you can
hear the howls of amusement."
started to laugh again. "Wow, this must have haunted you. This was years
at this point. I was...recently reminded of this shame."
that video that still exists?"
will find it. And I will destroy it as I have all the others."
money's on you."
walked to the waters edge, sat in the sand just beyond where the waves crept
you talk to Seven of Nine?" he asked.
did. It was a really good talk. She...she told me something she's been holding
back, only I don't know why she held it back. I guess she thought it might
upset me but knowing it only made me really happy." She reached down and
took his hand. "I don't think she would have told me if you weren't
here—if I weren't here with you. So you're making things better just by being a
perceived threat."
do not like the addition of perceived. I hope I am a threat. Are you here with
me, Raffaela?" He turned to her, searching her eyes. Then he leaned in and
kissed her.
let him, as much because the moment was sweet and gentle as that she wanted to know
what kissing a Klingon was like. It was a gentle kiss, nothing rough—she
imagined it was the first step in some complicated Klingon wooing ritual that
would end with her needing a regenerator and having bite marks.
they got that far.
wasn't ruling it out based on this kiss, but she did ease away as she felt him
reach for her. "Not tonight. I don't want to go back in there with sand
all over me. These are my peers."
understand." He looked out to sea for a long time. "Although—was the
kiss displeasing? Is that why you want to stop?"
say that." She bumped her shoulder against his. "You're still in the
am relieved to hear that."
you might be." She played with the sand, grabbing a handful and letting it
slide out in a steady stream.
can see why Captain Seven is someone you would want. Her attractiveness and
charisma are undeniable. And her intelligence. But I must admit that I do not
understand your attraction to Liam Shaw. I was not impressed."
Because he left himself open and got shot?"
laughed. "He's funny. And he's kind. Kids adore him. Evie adores
is an unfair advantage."
you could babysit with me. If she reacts like a tribble would, though, you are
so screwed."
is my fear."
think she'd like you."
he romantic? Gifts of flowers and chocolates."
she said with a laugh. No one could call that mortal combat meets an orgy
bouquet he sent romantic. Hilarious, yes. Perfect for the moment, yes. But
romantic, no. "Seven isn't really either though. I think you might be more
sentimental even if you hide it in bluster."
do not bluster. I glower convincingly and intimidate with my words."
I said."
he skilled in bed?"
knew her smile was way too wide. "I wish I could tell you no but yeah. He
really is."
let out an aggrieved-sounding sigh.
whatever happens, you enhance my life. You have a part in it. You're my friend.
I know you want to be more. And maybe you will be. Or maybe not, but whatever
happens, I do not want to lose you."
do not want to lose you either. Even if you go with the lesser option and
choose them."
he is." She laughed again and rested her head on his shoulder. "How
did the Celestines find that many tribbles?"
have never known. And never inquired. I just wanted the memory to go
understandable, big guy."
followed Liam into his apartment and pushed him up against the wall, kissing
him the way she'd wanted to in the bar. She helped him shrug out of his jacket,
then realized he wanted to turn her and let him.
he pulled off her jacket, he murmured, "Can I show you what I wanted to be
doing to you when you were grinding on me?"
were several options."
so the most tame was this one. Grind like you were."
began to move and could feel him coming to life as she did. He began to kiss
her neck and she moaned because she loved this. Then he began to roam with his
hands, but kept them over the shirt.
would be watching us, Seven. And they'd think, 'My God, that's a beautiful
woman.' And then they'd wonder how I got so lucky but we'll skip right over
that part."
laughed. "You looked really hot tonight. That guy who gave us his number
was looking more at you than me."
know. It was awesome."
always assumed you didn't go both ways."
I don't. But if Raffi leaves us and we want to play, I'd do it for you."
you kiss him? Touch him? Or just watch him touch me?"
don't know honestly. I can surprise myself. And he was very good looking."
he was. But let's just try to keep Raffi."
agreed. Okay, you ready for fantasy number two?"
jerked her back, was getting a little rough with the shirt so she said,
"This is Raffi's favorite shirt. No ripping."
He began to pull up the skirt—also really roughly.
her skirt."
anything on you yours?" He was laughing.
underwear, the jacket and the boots."
you." He eased the skirt up, then yanked her underwear aside and slid his
fingers up into her, forcing her to bend into him. "Everyone would see me
do this to you."
was breathing hard as he moved his hand so he was brushing against her just
right, but then, just as she was getting close, he eased away.
three?" he asked.
you, Liam."
laughed. "Keeping you on the edge is fun." He began to undo the skirt
and pushed it off her. "Step out of it and imagine everyone is watching
you as you do it."
tried to put herself back in the bar as she felt his lips on her neck again,
his hands playing around her clit but not close enough to let her come. She
tried to shift so he'd hit it but he just laughed and moved to the shirt,
unbuttoning it and helping her out of it. "I love this shirt. Gonna take
it off her next hopefully."
looks really good on her."
devoid of it looks really good on you." He was pulling her back, undoing
the bra and playing with her breasts, then pushing the panties off. "Step
out of them and be totally mine."
did what he said and he pulled her back against him, playing around her clit again,
every now and then going in to build her up just to hold her there.
damn it, Liam."
hold it together." He started pushing her toward the kitchen. "I'd
move you this way, to one of the tables, and I'd nicely ask the people sitting
there to get the fuck away and they would. They'd move so they could see me do
this though."
bent her over the kitchen table, undid his pants and was inside her. "I'm
going to fuck you a little. Then maybe, if you're very good, I'll let you come.
Does that sound good?"
She pushed back, trying to get off on her own, and he eased out.
girl." He pulled her up and kissed her neck. Then leaned her over the
table again and adjusted her to his liking, then pushed in.
was moving slowly, and she knew it was because he didn't want to come, and he
had his hand buried in her hair and with the other he held her in place.
he finally slipped it around and began to play in earnest. She was so far gone
it took no time for her to just about go but then he pulled away again.
yeah. I'm a patient man, as you well know, Seven. And you're not a patient
woman. And someday I'll tie you down and I'll do this until you're ready to
burst. But I think tonight is not that night." And then he let her go all
the way, not stopping touching her as she bucked and cried out more loudly than
collapsed on the table panting as he finished inside her, then lay over her,
kissing her, asking, "Are you okay, Sev?"
am." She realized she was trembling. "Holy shit, Liam."
well you were the one who started it. Grinding on me that way. Did you really
think you wouldn't be just a little bit punished." He drew away and eased
her up, pulling her in for a hug. "Seriously are you okay?"
am. I love you." She pulled him to her, kissed him as he kept her standing
because her legs had started to shake. "Would you really tie me up and do
that? Longer than you just did?"
you want me to."
right now obviously. But yes. I do." Her breathing and heart rate were
leveling out and she hugged him hard. So hard he said, "Babe, too
She laughed. "Although not. Do we have a regenerator here?"
do you think?"
laughed. Captain Safety not having a regenerator seemed unlikely. "I
withdraw the question. It was ridiculous."
it was."
have all your clothes on and I don't."
want me to re-dress you?"
I want to go to bed and snuggle." She pulled him back as he started to
back away. "Is it bad to tell you that I used to fantasize about you
taking me over your—now my—desk that way?"
too. I'd have you give me the morning report as I fucked you." He laughed
and kissed her in a little nip of a kiss. "Nice to know we were on the
same page."
if we'd told each other?"
don't think we ever would have. We were so busy fighting. Possibly because we
wanted to fuck so bad and didn't know it would have been a pretty appealing
we know it now. I don't want to fight with you. I just want to love you."
just want to love you too."
lay on the bed in Seven's quarters, sweat drying on his forehead, Raffi curled
up seemingly boneless half on him, half on Seven. It felt really good to have
her home.
had gone out of their way to show her that.
back to me," she said with a laugh. "I'm going to go to training
every week."
it would get old." He shifted her a little since her elbow was digging
into him.
She patted him and slid a little more off him, so she was using the bed as bed,
rather than them. "So there was a big announcement today on the shuttle
back. CINC Janeway."
worst nightmare," Seven said with a wicked smirk.
if he finds a certain video. I take it you have it?" She frowned when
Seven looked at her with clear confusion. "No video?" She turned to
him. "You?"
have no clue what you're talking about."
frowned. "You used something against him, Sev."
used two words. That meant a lot to him."
were they?" Raffi sounded like maybe she knew, and Liam gave Seven the
look that said to play it carefully.
don't think I should say. Should keep it between Worf and me."
turned quickly to glare at Liam. "Do you know?"
know she said something to him. I do not know what it was."
to Seven" came from the combadge that he was pretty sure was buried under
all their clothes, hastily discarded near the bed.
Be very quiet, guys." She got up and pulled on his sweatshirt as she
searched for the combadge.
audio only, hon'."
glared at Raffi and he had to bury his face in her arm to hide his laughter.
Then he whispered in her ear, "Someone's nervous around our new CINC.
Don't know why."
mouthed back, "She's so weird sometimes."
he mouthed back.
it. I'm answering." She found her combadge and hit it. "Seven
need to talk to you. My office—the new one. Five minutes?"
would be better."
unlike you, Seven. How many people are listening in?"
What people? I'll be there in five."
But just because you're one of mine, I'll give you ten after all. Please no bed
hair." With a laugh she said, "Janeway out."
ran into the bathroom and then yelled, "Where is my hair clip?"
my hair clip and it's in the second drawer. They're all in there." She
rolled her eyes at Liam. "They're always in there. They have not
laughed softly and checked the clock. Eight thirty. "The new CINC works
late. I guess that means Tom does too. Sucks to be him."
a captain keeps regular hours?"
but it was my ship. I was the one doing the annoying paging."
hurried out and pulled on her uniform, her hair nicely twisted up, the
old-school regulation—he hoped Janeway wasn't bringing that back. He liked the
freer look. And long hair wasn't that much of a hazard since everyone with it
wore a hair tie around their wrist or stuffed one in their pocket in case of a
need to put it back.
sat on the bed and pulled her boots on. "How do I look?"
he said with a wink.
don't know what this is about. Don't stop, you two. I mean if you have anything
left." She grinned at them both then skedaddled.
moved over so he could get away from the edge. "When are you going to
requisition us a bigger bed?"
you make up your mind."
incentive. Way to carrot the situation."
laughed and rolled to his stomach. "My back is itching so bad."
rolled so she was on her side and began to scratch. Seven never did it hard
enough but Raffi's technique was perfection.
you and Worf...?"
it? For real?"
was at a class I really wanted to be at, with people I really wanted to get to
know. That was not the time for him, you know?"
do." He patted his neck. "Do the hair thing."
ran her fingers from the nape of his neck up through where his hair was still
thick—God he loved that feeling. "Worf gets why I want to be with Seven,
but my attraction to you perplexes him. He wanted to know if you were good in
You are." She whapped the side of his head gently. "And you know
laughed. "Haven't you ever been with someone who thought they were but
really weren't?"
that's so sad. Does anyone ever tell them?"
probably does." He looked over at her. "I bet Worf's like that. All
talk, no action. Do you plan to find out?"
know yet."
channeled his inner Seven and rolled his eyes.
just laughed. "So did you two have fun last night?"
band was great."
really talking about the band."
turned so he was facing her. "I didn't realize how responsive she is to
she loves it."
for a bit but then..." She looked away.
can tell me anything. I won't judge." He gently scratched her back the way
she liked.
is nice for a little bit but do it for too long and it feels like chasing a
high. I've worked too hard to not chase one to get that urge during sex."
hadn't thought of it that way."
you like it?"
seemed to be waiting for more.
there's not trauma or anything. I just get kind of frustrated if I think we're
doing a thing and then we're not and then we are and then we're not."
laughed. "Note to self."
Seven ground on me all night at the bar—there were no seats left and I was
leaning against a column and she was leaning against me—and that I liked. Not
for every day but..."
makes sense. That was the thing you two were doing. It wasn't like she'd gone
down on you in the bathroom then didn't finish and teased you the rest of the
He switched to making silly patterns on her arm. "Have you ever been to those
cabins in Sausalito?"
BDSM ones? With the little pictographs on how each piece of furniture or device
works? You just plug in your genitalia layout and it tells you how to use
laughed because those pictographs had delighted him. "You have been
laughed and nodded.
She practically sneered the answer at him. "Seven? For real? That doesn't
seem like her."
night I may have mentioned I'd like to tie her up and really edge her right and
she was up for it. I thought of those cabins. Might be fun for all of us?"
whole expression changed.
not." He gently stroked her cheek. "I figured you for a dom."
if I play, that's the role I like. But...I think those kind of games require a
lot of trust."
you don't trust me?"
not you. I had a girlfriend before Seven. We were even more on and off because
I was a fucking mess. And so was she. We went to that place and at first it was
fun because some of the devices are pretty much user controlled, right? Those
were fun and we could use them in tandem. But the ones that were for bondage—I
couldn't...give her what she needed. I didn't trust myself to get her there. I
didn't trust her to let me. It broke us up."
that's a no to BDSM."
you want to do it with her, you can. Or I'd do it with you if I do choose you
guys. Because if I choose you, then I'm all in. God help me."
of us are you afraid of?"
Me? Her and me together. Her and you together? All of us together? None of the
was very helpful, thank you. Although wait, was I on the list? Just me."
I can see why she trusts you. You only scare me because of how much she loves
you. Of how you two are already talking about restraints and I didn't even know
she'd be into them."
don't think she was hiding that fact. I'm not sure she ever considered
restraints other than using them as a Ranger—I assume she did, right? I pretty
much fantasize that she did." He laughed at her expression. "I can go
either way. I prefer dom but given the right incentive..."
brown leather worn by her?"
God yeah. Anyway, given what I was doing to her last night, it may have just
sounded nice."
nodded and suddenly turned and faced away from him. But then she said,
"Spoon me."
did and waited, because it seemed like she had something to say. Finally she
whispered, "Worf is the safer option."
amazing thing to say about a Klingon. But maybe that's because you love him
like a friend and there's chemistry enough to fuck him, but you're not in love
with him." He tightened his hold. "Just for the record. I want you to
be in love with me." He nuzzled her neck. "Dizzingly, happily in
love. Nothing safe about it."
you say live a little, I'll elbow you hard." She sighed. "A person
like me. I live too much. I need safety."
I get that. I get that so damn much. But in love—in love I want to be just the
slightest bit crazy, Raff. Or what's the point? I'm too old to settle for safe.
I'd rather be on my own—that's the safest thing of all."
was on my own for so long. So was Seven. I mean truly alone."
know. Which is why you made sense maybe?"
another reason." She pressed back against him and he wrapped his leg
around hers. "I'd spent so long knowing I was right about the Romulans but
labeled crazy. And then it was out. I wasn't clean and sober, but I was fucking
right. And she'd been chasing Bjayzl—do you know who that is?"
finally killed her. I remember serving with someone who could never do anything
fun because they were going to grad school in their off hours. When they
finally graduated, they were so depressed. Even though they'd longed to get
done and have their life back. That's where we were, I think. We'd been chasing
these things and suddenly, the things were caught. Over. And that left us with
ourselves to deal with. Better to turn to each other. Even if I wasn't even
honest with her about my addiction at first."
kissed the back of her neck but didn't say anything, not wanting to break her
train of thought.
easier to be sober with Worf, Liam." The words hung between them and he
didn't know what to do, but she grabbed his hand, holding on tightly.
"Please don't tell her I said that. Ever. I can't tell her that because
she'll think she'll lose. I can't tell Worf that because he'll think he'll win.
But you understand. Sometimes people like us have to live in the middle ground.
Where it's hard to be okay every single day. Where we don't even talk about
that it's not okay, just push through to the next day, when maybe it will
I am well acquainted with that middle ground." He exhaled, was dismayed to
hear how ragged the sound was.
tried to turn away but she rolled over quickly, grabbed him, holding his hands.
"Your left hand is trembling."
know." His voice broke oddly. "It does that from time to time."
did it when you died."
remember. Raffi, am I making this worse for you? Am I making it harder to push
wrapped her leg over his hip, pulled him to her and kissed him, a sweet but
thorough kiss, loving and strong—at odds with the story she was telling about
admired the fuck out of her. He wished she understood just how much.
eased away and smiled. "It's nice having a kindred spirit around. Someone
who understands. People like Seven—they've been through hell but they come
through the flames. Every single time. They never walk around them, no matter
how many times they've been burned." She reached down, began to play in a
way he really loved. "You and I are broken."
don't feel broken right this moment." He moved her so he could enter her,
and they didn't look away from each other as he moved, as she matched his
movements, their breath in sync, slow and even, then faster, then going.
buried her head against him, breathing hard as she came down, as he did too,
still inside her. "I don't feel broken right now either," she
murmured as he eased out of her and pulled her half on top of him. "I feel
checked his left hand, which was no longer trembling. "And so do
For the first time in a really long time, I do. And you're part of that."
you are a little bit romantic."
the fuck said I wasn't? Big turd liar."
laughed, her belly moving against him, and he giggled, pleased that he'd
cracked her up, which only made her laugh harder.
super romantic, Raff. Stick around and find out."
found herself a little agog at the luxury that was the CINCs waiting room. So
much fancy wood and fabrics.
was leaving as she found a seat, and he sat with her for a moment. "The
highest of highs for our Kathryn, Seven. And not bad for you, just a few years
in. I never had a ship."
shot him a grateful smile. "You hitched your star to her."
well, I'd still be in Starfleet prison if I hadn't so..."
you know what she wants?"
about the Jurati."
Worf with his fucking threats. "Is there a video to go with those two
words you gave me?"
but I saw it years ago. He'll think there's a new copy out, but really he's
hunted them all down. And there were a lot."
actually impressive."
you want that from your head of intel." He winked at her and stood. "Bey's
waiting for me."
be fine." Unless Kathryn was going to take the ship away because she was
Borg again. God damn it.
Seven? You can go in." The lieutenant commander working the desk smiled at
didn't have to ask where. Kathryn stood holding double doors open with a look
of unrepentant glee. "Can you believe they put me here, Seven?" She
frowned and said, "Commander Peterson, you do not have to stay late to
impress me."
my husband's poker night," he said with a laugh. "Please let me
all means. You have my condolences." She shook her head. "What is it
with this place and poker?"
lifted an eyebrow. "I'm glad it's not just me who finds that
used to get a game up on the Delta Flyer." She grinned. "We
can talk about him without it being a problem, right?"
you and your two solid? He wants me to invite you to dinner but I know how
these things can be when they're new. And Musiker and I have history."
will." She indicated Seven should take a chair at the immense conference
table and sat across from her. "So, the Jurati."
don't know what you've heard."
it's not that bad. Whatever Worf might have said—"
what does Worf have to do with any of this. Did you have to take antitox before
you came? Is that why you needed more time?"
I'm sorry. What about the Jurati?"
need to know what they're like."
you're asking me because...?"
hope you do better at being captain than you're doing at this. Because you were
there when she was created." She leaned back. "Given that the Jurati
held our border during the real Borg attack, that they are giving us tech that
will make an amazing difference, the Federation is moving up their transition
to full membership. I have a role in that. But I need to understand them—how
they differ from the regular Borg."
I don't know. Other than what I witnessed on the Stargazer."
didn't visit her ship?"
She looked down.
aren't you telling me?"
are multitudes of things I am not telling you. How many years were we apart?
How many things might I have to tell you? You're going to have to be more
got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The view was staggeringly
beautiful even at night. "I didn't want to see her ship. Not after
it's true. And Worf didn't tell me. Jean-Luc did. But he was a little light on
the details. I did go to him first for information but he's hopeless on touchy
feely shit. All he could tell me was Agnes still called him 'Mister.' He
suggested you would know her and her collective better and told me why."
She walked over. "I do understand why that information isn't in your file.
Why you wouldn't want it to be. From what he said, you were fully human for a
you enjoy it?"
The word came out almost as a sob, but she was in no danger of crying.
might also have indicated some surprise when I mentioned Shaw was working on
the tech transfer project. Apparently, he thought he was dead."
was wounded."
I read the report."
refused to look at Kathryn.
I'd expect nanoprobes that dated back to our time in the Delta Quadrant to be
of little use in a Lazarus project. But given you had a refresh only a few
years ago..."
stared resolutely out.
not angry, Seven. Why won't you talk to me? I assume this is why you're now
experimenting with multiples when before it was just your first officer."
taking after you. With the first officer part."
I had with him, I might have saved all of us a world of pain." She sighed.
Then she walked to her desk, grabbed a padd, and walked back as Seven watched
her reflected in the windows. "The Jurati Queen specifically requested
that you and Musiker be at the ceremony. B'Elanna wants Shaw there. I'll have
good seats for you. Tell them to behave."
bit back a smile.
then there's this. Do I want to know?" She handed the padd to Seven.
were lines of code—an amalgamation of Borg and what she thought was Agnes's
work. A note that said only "To keep him out." And then a link to a
hit play before she realized what it was. She and Kathryn watched it, leaning
against each other as they laughed so hard they cried.
the hell was that?" Kathryn asked, wiping her eyes.
by tribble. Those are Celestines." And the ladders. The video Worf thought
she had, which she now did, courtesy of Agnes.
the code?"
How much should I be concerned that Starfleet Intelligence has unusually high
access to our logs and surveillance data? I worry that they are going through a
back door others could exploit."
tapped the padd. "So you want to give the Jurati a key to the front door
pretty sure they already have that." She frowned. "We're taking their
tech. Any of which could be loaded with malicious code."
She shrugged. "Run it by Musiker. She's paranoid as shit and a skilled
hacker. If she likes it, then go for it." Her look changed to mischievous.
"Now, play that again, would you?"
was even funnier on rewatch.
took the padd back and hovered her hand over the erase button. "What's
more important, Kathryn? Leverage or honor?"
She pulled her finger away and sent the file to a folder she kept in a weird
place, behind her own version of Borg encryption. A place Raffi had once tried
to get into and failed.
she erased it off the padd. Raffi didn't need to see her boyfriend—or whatever
he was—making a fool of himself.
want to grab a drink at the O Club, Seven? I go down there alone and people
will glom on and suck up. They've been doing it for weeks."
took her arm and they walked out to the reception area. "Peterson, I'll be
in the O Club if you need me. Then I'm heading home."
a good night," Seven said with a smile.
didn't let go of her as they walked down the corridors that would take them to
the O Club on the opposite side of the building, but just as high up, with a
lovely view as well.
marched them in but at a very slow pace, as if she wanted everyone to see them.
A server met them halfway to the bar. "Your usual, Admiral Janeway?"
thank you. And a bourbon for my friend. The good stuff. Neat." She looked
around the room, seemed to be assessing tables and then murmured, "That's
Commander Lessing at the table by the window, the one who's suddenly sweating a
lot. He was a lieutenant commander in the CINC's office at the time we came
back. Thought he was some kind of Borg expert. He was one of the main ones who
argued against your admittance. Funny how he stalled out at commander once I
got fleet ops."
the fun starts." She walked directly to the table and before they even got
close, Lessing and his companion, another commander were up and saying.
"Admiral Janeway, please."
you are too kind. Lessing, you remember Seven of Nine, don't you? My protege,
the new captain of the Enterprise. Why, she outranks you now. What a
world we live in."
ma'am." He couldn't meet either of their eyes.
thank you for the table."
were just leaving."
server ran over and cleaned the table off before they sat.
they say power corrupts, Seven." Kathryn's voice was nearly a purr.
"I say it makes things right." She took her wine from the first server
and once Seven had her glass, held it out. "To us."
woke curled into Liam. She reached back for Seven but she wasn't there. She
opened her eyes and saw Seven curled up on the couch with a throw over her.
"God damn it," she murmured, not wanting to wake Seven up.
she put her hand over Liam's mouth and elbowed him—not entirely gently—awake.
the fuck?" could barely be heard from underneath her hand. She moved his
head so he was looking at Seven. "Oh, shit."
let him go and said as quietly as she could but with as much menace as she
could put in, "Requisition us a bigger bed."
you make up your fucking mind, Musiker." He seemed to be studying Seven.
"Do we think she's really asleep?"
doesn't generally drool when she's awake."
looked again and smiled. "She's fucking adorable."
she is."
rolled to face her, his voice getting even lower as he said, "Okay, before
she wakes up, I was thinking about what you said before I fell asleep. The
broken part. And I have a postulation."
what I live for. Liam postulations before I've had my coffee."
hear me out. Because I think at the crux of this might be the idea that a
threesome isn't something you were ever really considering, right?"
me neither. Except of course when I fantasized about a Hansen/Musiker sandwich of
which I was temporarily a part. But a permanent fixture? That seemed a pretty
weird option for someone who—and I know this will shock you—is not all that
good at a relationship with one person."
laughed softly. "You?"
know." He leaned in to kiss her. "It's just a crime I can't make it
work. But I have to say, this thing you and Seven and I have. It's easier for
me than most of my attempts at coupling up. And that's confusing."
really is."
my postulation. You ready for it?"
But I don't think I can stop you." She rose up to make sure Seven was
still drooling. She was and had added softly snoring to the mix. "Okay,
said we were broken. And I think you're right. We're maybe less than a whole
person so when we try to couple up, it's a mess. Because there's not enough of
really couldn't argue with that so she motioned for him to go on.
I came up with this analogy. You're like the software of our little engine, the
operating system, but you're wonky as fuck. I'm like the hardware—" He had
to stop because she'd reached down. "Partial hardware."
laughed and let go. "I want the blood to stay in your brain so we'll keep
it partial."
grin was very silly. "Thanks. Because I want to finish my thought. I'm the
boring parts of the engine, the parts that keep things grounded and working but
I'm not all there either. But pair you and me, and somehow the parts of you
that are wonky and the parts of me that are not all there don't matter. We
mesh. But we lack something."
pointed back to Seven. "Our power source. Who is currently in sleep mode
and in danger of short circuiting from drool, but still, we go nowhere without
her. Even if we mesh, we're not really an engine without that burst to get us
get all three parts synced up and..."
leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Who knows what the fuck we could
be?" He leaned back and studied her. "I know it's an imperfect
analogy, but I wanted you to have something to counter your 'search for safety'
you. I will think about that. I actually sort of love the idea." She
reached out and stroked his cheek, then traced his lips until she worked down to
his chin. With a grip that she tightened and he said, "Uh...?"
are not waiting until I make up our mind for a new bed because our captain is
sleeping on her goddamn couch because she is too soft hearted to wake us and
we're in the middle of a bed that is too fucking small. This is not going to
happen again, Liam. Get us a fucking bigger bed or you're exiled from us."
She let him go.
expected an argument. Or at least a little bitching. Instead he pulled her back
and kissed her, then said, "See, you really are the operating system. I'll
get right on it, ma'am." He grabbed her hand and pulled it down.
"Also, no more partial."
manhandling you turned you on?"
a complicated man."
slid her hand into his boxers. "I don't want to wake her up because she
only snores when she's really tired. So if you make too much noise, I'm leaving
you with blue balls. Got it, Shaw?"
had to put her hand over his mouth at the end, and then he returned the favor
for her when he fingered her into bliss, but they did not wake Seven up.
woke to find she was in the bed and someone was in the shower. Raffi was at the
desk so it must be Liam.
looked over from the terminal and smiled, "Good morning, sleepy head. You
want coffee?"
please." As Raffi went to the replicator, she asked, "How did I end
up in bed?"
moved you. Very romance novel cover other than that it was him bitching at me
and you were drooling."
laughed. "Next time, I'll wake you guys up. But I got in really late and
you looked so sweet."
won't be a next time," she said with such threat, Seven was alarmed.
"Whoa, I don't mean I've chosen—or thrown him out of our sex club—I mean
he's going to get us a bigger bed right damn now."
smiled. She loved this Raffi. "Thanks." She sat up and took the
coffee from her. "I had the best time with Kathryn last night at the O
Club. We caught up and for the first time I felt like we were friends again.
And she kept introducing me to people." Some of them people who like
Lessing, hadn't been fans. Others clearly friends of hers that she wanted Seven
to know too.
grinned. "I know you've missed her."
really have. She was so many things to me—all wrapped up in one body."
shower stopped and she heard Liam puttering around. Then he said, "Hey,
they got my billet officially changed to the ship. I'm no longer
room do you want?"
came out with just a towel on. "I was thinking about that. I don't want to
fuck up your ability to host large delegations all together, so most of the
guest quarters are out. But given the rank, some visitors might expect more
from me than standard quarters."
I was thinking of having the quartermaster redo Latella's room. Outfit it like
this only since it's bigger, put a conference table in for you to work at. I
know how you like your data tables."
that's where I landed too. And I have to go down to see Quartermaster Stratford
anyway to get us a big ass bed or Raffi won't let me back in to play."
to snitch, Shaw."
stuck his tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes.
laughed, loving the playful way they were being around each other. "Oh,
they're upping the timetable for Jurati full membership. Raffi, Agnes wants you
and I there. And B'Elanna wants you there, Liam. Kathryn is giving us good
seats together. She said you two have to behave."
Raffi scoffed. "Like we wouldn't."
Liam came over and leaned down to kiss Seven. "Sorry we stole the
I'd really wanted the bed, do you think I'm above pulling you out so you land
on the floor and taking your place?"
no. Next time just crawl on top of me. That'll get it done in a much softer
was in the mood for sleep, not sex."
darling." He glanced at the clock. "Shit, I have a meeting this
morning so I can't stay on the ship to work. I'm gonna hit up Stratford before
I beam down."
you." She closed her eyes and enjoyed the coffee to the sound of Raffi
keying something in and him working on his hair. Or so she surmised by the
frequent sounds of hair product being sprayed and blow dryer.
he spent more time in there than they did together. At one point, Raffi
muttered, "What is he doing exactly?"
idea. Men are weird about their hair when it starts going."
Yes, they are. He'd be just as sexy if he shaved the top."
you saying that because you've always had a teensy crush on Picard?"
Benjamin Sisko." Raffi laughed. "But also I think he would look hot
that way. As long as he keeps the beard."
yeah, we break up with him if he shaves that off."
came out, looking like he always did. Seven exchanged a look with Raffi who
He looked from one to the other of them.
a sexy beast, Liam." Raffi turned back to her screen.
We were discussing you."
sort of puffed up. "Well, I don't mind that. Okay this is me braving the
quartermaster for you two."
us three," Raffi said, and Seven smiled, wondering if Raffi knew how happy
it made her to hear her say that so easily. She knew nothing was decided, but
this felt pretty damn cozy for her to really be someone who might not want to
had a feeling Liam had worked some of the magic he had when he dropped his
asshole shields and really just let someone in. She was never going to ask
either of them what they talked about when they were alone, because that was
between them. But whatever it was, it was definitely improving things for all
of them.
cruised down the corridor to the Quartermaster's area. As usual someone had
rolled down a broken chair and left it outside the door. "Fuck me,"
he said as he rolled it in with him. "Fucking losers."
Kimmi said as she got up and kicked-rolled the thing to join a bunch of others.
"You know, these really are well made. I don't get what people do to break
turned and pulled him into a firm hug. "Damn, it's good to see you."
you're going to be seeing more of me. I'm being assigned here as part of an
engineering project. I don't want to take one of Seven's guest rooms." He
saw Kimmi take in the way he referred to her—God knew she'd listened to him
rant about Hansen enough times. Good for her to hear him be not such a little
want me to reconfigure Latella's, don't you?"
With one of the data tables you got me for the ready room." He put his
hands together and closed his eyes like a good supplicant. "Please?"
uh, there's one more thing. Captain Seven needs a bigger bed."
really? Why is that?" She was laughing at him and he wasn't sure why.
was about to say it was a Borg thing but then everyone who'd been assimilated
could get an oversized bed. "Well—"
do not lie to me."
studied her, unsure where to go.
turned me on to the band Dragonslayer?"
did." Fuck.
who just played at Caruso's?"
Fuck. Fuck. "Dragonslayer?"
like you don't know. I was there, Liam. As were you and the captain. And I'm
pretty sure she's with our first officer. And not the type to cheat. Yet you
two were together."
closed his eyes.
my guess is you three know everyone is doing God knows what to everyone else.
And please don't tell me." She was definitely laughing at him. "I
guess we won't be playing video games for a while if you're going to be on the
ship with them—and this very big bed you think I'm going to get for you."
motioned for him to follow her and they cruised the stacks of property turn in and
spare equipment. A very tall, very wide mattress was leaned up against the
wall, wrapped in the kind of covering that meant it had been cleaned and
disinfected for new use. "It's a shame that we can't patent things we make
for Starfleet, because it was my idea to have the extra tall mattresses for
beings like Latella also be wider on the sides so if, say, a bunch of Deltans
came on board, you'd just have to do a quarter turn and bingo, you have an
extra wide bed that's the right length."
are a goddess."
I know it. You want it installed now? We're going to have to modify the
existing frame but it's a fast fix."
me check." He walked down the aisle to get a little privacy and hit his
combadge. "Shaw to Musiker."
can do it now. Can one of you go down and get everything off the bed and the
shelves?" Not that Seven kept as many things on her shelf as he had. But
still, the covers and all.
I'm on it. You work fast, Liam."
in most situations is a good." He waited for her laugh, was not
disappointed. "Don't tell Sev. It can be a surprise for her? I'll be back
up after lunch to bring my stuff up to guest quarters until they finish
reconfiguring Latella's." Thank God he travelled light when he was
deployed off Earth and hadn't had time to get his massive collection of
"everything he'd ever loved" out of storage.
be a great surprise. Tell the quartermaster to give me twenty minutes."
do. Shaw out." He walked back to Kimmi. "Twenty minutes and you can
it." She stopped him as he turned. "I heard you were hurt really bad
during that Frontier Day shit."
was. It was touch and go." If by that you mean't dead as a dormouse.
"But I'm fine now."
Because I'd hate this world if you weren't in it."
did you handle it?"
got a weird smile. "We figured out pretty quickly that anyone who wasn't
young was okay. So we just stunned the hell out of the ones who turned, put
them in the stasis chamber we use for dangerous cargo, slapped up one of the
fields people use to hide life signs, and waited it out."
them with what exactly?" Some posts required the individual to be issued a
phaser. Supply was not one of them.
your hackles down, Commodore. Keeping current model phasers would be a breach
of regulations. Clearly those are stored in the armory."
aren't you saying?"
laughed. "Incoming goes two different places. But property turn in is all
here, baby."
You mean...?"
recently upgraded a lot of the weaponry. So the old stuff got turned in. It was
due to go out with the next PTI pick up. And obviously it's in special
containers so not just anyone could get in and help themselves. But I know the
is why we're friends."
think it's more that we tried to date and realized we sucked together but loved
all the same things. Also I'm better at most games than you."
I say!" He boomed that at her and she cracked up.
Mister Threesome. You better behave yourself. I know your secrets."
keeping the threesome part under your hat, right? I don't care about my other
secrets. But that one could hurt two other people."
my God. Liam Shaw, are you in love? For real?" She looked so touched he
didn't debate it with her. "I love that for you."
padd chimed, the warning that he had ten minutes until a meeting was to begin.
"I have to go. Thank you, Kimmi."
be great having you on the ship again. I may even have some unused bedding for
He hadn't even thought about how their old stuff wouldn't fit. "There are
no sufficient superlatives for you, Stratford. See you 'round the Titan."
was reading material for a virtual course when Seven strode past her to the
lift. She glanced over and said, "I just need to get something from our
she loved how open Seven was being about it being their quarters, not just
hers. But no, the bed was supposed to be a surprise.
you have the conn." Raffi joined Seven in the lift just before the doors
closed. "I'll get it."
gave her the look that meant she was being weird and/or annoying. Or possibly
both. "I've got it."
really, I've got it." She smiled in a way she hoped was not crazy because
she really didn't want Seven to see the new bed until Liam got back.
being so weird. Deck five."
lift doors opened and Raffi got in front of her. "Let's find whatever it
is in my quarters."
are you being so weird?"
I made a promise. What do you need?"
be honest, a bathroom."
then definitely use my quarters. Why stink up the communal ones?" In fact
that was a great use for their personal ones if they weren't going to use them
much. Every now and then a person just wanted some privacy.
promise..." Her look changed. "Ohhhh."
said nothing. Nothing!"
pushed her into her quarters and had her up against the wall once the door
closed. "You said nothing." Then she kissed her and Raffi put her arms
around her and held on for dear life because as kisses went, this was a great
they finally eased away from each other, she said, "What was that for,
protecting your promise." She was staring intently. "I love you so
haven't made up my mind yet, Sev." But even to her that sounded a little
know. I still love you." Her expression changed. "But I really
was in her ready room at shift change when she heard the chime to the back door
go off and said, "Come."
entered, his smile so happy she knew he had to have been moving his stuff in.
"I'm in guest quarters ten until Latella's is ready. But I can move if you
need me to."
about to the bunkbeds you gave Riker and Picard?"
cracked up and she cackled. "Liam, I honestly don't think we're going to
be overrun with guests while in spacedock."
I tried to get in our quarters but Raffi diverted me. Any idea why?"
shrugged and seemed to be trying to look super innocent.
heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Raffi said, "Ready to go?"
exactly?" She turned to look at her. "I thought I might just work
Raffi said and Liam echoed her.
you seen it yet?" Seven asked Liam.
I seen what yet?" Completely straight faced and no sign of a lie in his
voice. Damn he was good.
rolled her eyes and closed down her terminal. "Why do I think you both
want us to go to our quarters?"
you're super smart," Raffi said, taking her arm and hurrying her along to
the back lift.
stood between them in the lift, enjoying how that felt, how much affection
aside from anything sexual she had for them. They got to the quarters and Raffi
palmed them open.
shit," Seven said. The bed was enormous and while the bedding was
regulation, she wasn't sure all the throw pillows were.
job with the quartermaster, Liam." Raffi gave him a kiss on the cheek.
job with the bedding. Where'd you get the pillows?"
thought we might need them. She's really cute."
straight, though," Seven said and they both looked at her. "What? I
may have made some initial overtures when I first reported to the ship."
couldn't tell she was straight?" Raffi just rolled her eyes.
laughed. "She and I dated a long, long time ago. Decided being friends was
the much better option. I may disappear from time to time to go play video
games with her." He looked over at Raffi. "Can I run things right
glared at him. "Why are you asking her?"
I'm more macho than you are." She turned to Liam and nodded.
began to undress them, kissing them every so often until they were both naked.
Then he pulled the desk chair to where he'd have a great view of the bed and
sat. "For a while, I just want to watch you two go. In our very big, very
awesome bed."
you procured for us," she said with a smile as she took Raffi's hand and
pulled her onto the bed. "Oh my God, it's so much more comfortable than
the old one."
really, really is."
I want to know how you got this for us?"
Enough bed appreciation. Kiss."
rolled her eyes, which made Raffi crack up, then she pulled her close, kissing
her gently at first, then more deeply.
up," she whispered to Raffi, and got behind her, kissing her neck.
"Spread your legs for him."
had her head thrown back as Seven reached around, playing carefully, her eyes
locked with Liam's. "She's so beautiful."
so responsive." She murmured to Raffi, "Love you so much," but
kept going, kept her climbing.
looked like he was going to come out of his skin but he sat, mouth open
slightly, eyes dilated as he looked from her to Raffi and back again.
then Raffi was going, calling out and Seven held out her hand to him and said,
"Enough watching. Strip and get over here." Then she touched Raffi
where she was most sensitive and made her moan. "Now who's more macho,
are. You're the most macho." Raffi laughed as Seven was pulled away from
her by Liam.
bed is bigger than it looked when it was leaning on the wall." He arranged
her so she was facing Raffi, on her hands and knees and entered her slowly as
Raffi watched, her smile gorgeous and sensual. "This is our woman,
Raffi." He pulled Seven up so he could kiss her neck, could play with her
breasts. "So fucking lovely."
crawled over, began to lick her clit as he slowly moved in and out of her.
"Hold her still," she said, and Liam put one arm under her breasts as
Raffi increased the attack, as Liam slowed even more.
came violently for them, milking Liam as she did it and he groaned loudly as he
came inside her. "I love this bed so much," she said as Raffi moved
aside so he could lower her down, ease out and collapse beside her.
am a provider," he said with a laugh. "Da man."
a man, that's for sure." Raffi's smile for him was so cute, so full of
sass and ease.
closed her eyes and just drank in what she had before they put the bed to more
use. Liam and Raffi were arguing about whether they should eat in bed or not so
she said, "Nothing with crumbs or greasy or sticky. Anything else
leaves nothing," Liam said.
jerky." Raffi laughed as she reached over Seven to pull Liam to her for a
Swiss cheese," Liam said.
meal of champions. Thanks, Sev."
two are fussier than I am. We've never eaten in bed. Quit trying to make me the
enemy." She stretched out on the bed and began to run her hands down her
body. "Besides does anyone really want to eat right this minute?"
this is why she's the captain." Liam kissed her gently.
is the book I'm writing, Liam. How is it so far."
lay on his side, laughing when he realized he was in no danger of falling off
their ginormous bed. Damn, he'd done good.
he was super hungry. They'd been busy breaking it in, but the night was young
and he was in the mood to do something. "Let's go out. Starfleet food is
all we'll get for long stretches once we leave spacedock. Let's eat someplace
if we shower," Seven said, sounding grumpy that she was going to have to
leave the bed and the lovely soft covers.
ability to nest was sort of a revelation. But should it be? She'd been a drone
in the collective. That was the ultimate nest, right?
on, babe. I want food."
game." Raffi was already out of the bed and into the bathroom, getting the
shower going so he pushed Seven to get her moving until she got out of bed.
took turns in the shower because showering together had so far turned into
something other than a mission to get clean. He went first because he spent the
most time getting ready. He knew they thought that was funny.
gave zero fucks. Actually he was just grateful they were low maintenance enough
that he could have all the time he wanted.
they were pulling on clothes, Raffi's padd went off. She grabbed it and
grinned. "Gabe."
Mom. I hate to ask this, but Pel is working, and I've just been called
know you're eventually going to have to get another emergency babysitter,
laughed. "Right. But Evie wants her Gammy. And also Unca-Lee if he's
available." He whispered the last part.
don't think he is."
am," Shaw murmured. He glanced at Seven and she shrugged.
I might have another friend she'll like."
could practically see Seven deflate as she went back into the bathroom and shut
the door. He understood. Things had been so nice. And God love her she tended
to take things at face value sometimes.
loved them. They loved Raffi. The idea that Raffi would leave them anyway—it
was just hard to wrap your head around if you weren't also broken. And
terrified of being hurt. Which Seven wasn't. She really did walk through the
fire every time, never around it.
cut the connection and met his eyes. "I need to do this before I'm in too
hope getting along with Evie is a go/no go for you."
made an almost forlorn face. "Liam, I have to do this." She gestured
to the bathroom. "I know she's upset. She loves to slide into the moment
as if the moment is all there is. But it's not. I'm sorry I can't just let it
Worf. I'll be quiet while you do. But if he can't go, then take us."
that fair to Evie? Keep bringing her Unca-Lee when maybe he won't be in the
picture. That's confusing."
showing up with a fucking Klingon isn't?"
than arguing with him the way Seven would have, she walked away from him and
punched in a code.
I have missed you." Worf's satisfaction at seeing her oozed out of the
padd, and Liam wanted to grab it and throw it down the recycler.
have to babysit. I want you to come if you're free. Are you free?"
will make myself free."
That was the way you said it too. Maximum courtliness points.
fuck, fuck.
are you?" she asked.
my office. I have civilian clothes here, however."
doubt a whole bunch of them for undercover "I'm so cool because I'm the
spymaster of Starfleet" ops. Fuck him. That was impressing nobody.
meet you at the main entrance in ten?"
will be there."
stashed the padd and turned to him. "Take Seven somewhere fun."
think what I choose to do with her is pretty much my business. And hers. You're
busy." He knew his voice was beyond pissy. But Jesus.
be that way. You get me."
do. But that doesn't mean this feels great. Or even moderately not sucky. But
sure. Go take a Klingon babysitting. I can guarantee it's not going to be a
rousing success."
important." Her voice actually broke and he turned and studied her.
"It's crucial." She got closer. "It's not like Seven was warm
and fuzzy with Evie before you came along."
think we've established you may not be fully catching how Seven does or does
not interact with your children."
yes. The others? Give me a break, Liam. Evie just wants you because you're the new
guy. I'm going to see what she thinks of a different new one. Maybe bright and
shiny and goddamned novel is all she wants because she's a kid. Fuck you."
And she turned on her heel, grabbed her jacket, and left.
moment later, Seven came out. "So we lose because I wasn't all over
focus on that part. I made her mad and she was striking out."
at me, not you."
you is a shot at me." He pulled her in. "I know this is
counterintuitive, but if she's panicking, if she's reaching out for Worf, that
might mean she's really, really loving what she has with us and—"
that's so comforting."
me finish. And it scares the shit out of her." He tilted her chin up so
she had to look at him. "It really scares the shit out of her. We're fine.
She'll stay or she won't, but she would not have had me get a bed if she wasn't
into this way more than she'd ever admit. At this point, Sev, it's up to
her." He started to laugh, a little evilly. "And maybe Evie."
still mad at her. Which I know is stupid because I understand she's made no
choice yet. It just...it just felt so good and I don't understand why she's
running." She held up her hand as he started to say something. "No,
no more words. Let's eat. In fact, I think, you need to take me to that
Brazilian steakhouse that just opened. She's been wanting to go."
don't want to wait till she's back?"
I want to be petty. It'll help me not be later, when she comes home."
I understood that. And that place looks amazing. Let's go."
paced at the main entrance to Starfleet, just outside the security check-in.
damn it—why did she feel so horrible? She had the right to figure out what she
wanted. A big bed and feeling safe with Seven and Liam didn't translate to a
Worf was holding a stuffed animal. It appeared to be a rhino. "These are
impressive animals. It is my hope Evie will like it."
was more into big cats but she decided not to tell Worf that. Instead she
grinned and said, "That's so sweet. Ready?"
am." He said it as if he was going into battle, and she laughed as they
walked to the main transporter station—the one personnel used for coming from
and going to home and other unofficial travel—and they were quickly in Gabe's
neighborhood with a quick walk to his house.
opened the door with a grin but then seemed to take in that there was a Klingon
in front of him and gulped. "Uh, Mom?"
is Worf. He's my friend."
Evie came catapulting out of the living room but stopped short when she saw
Worf. "Gammy, Unca-Lee!"
right now."
Unca-Lee." Evie walked over to Worf, put her hands on her hips, and glared
up at him.
regret I am unfamiliar with that command. If you could tell me what you want
with further clarity."
laughed. "I'll let you explain to him. I'm going to be late if I
stay." He gave her a quick kiss and whispered, "What the hell are you
doing? I thought you were with Seven and maybe Liam?"
She ushered Worf in and closed the door.
Ca. Lee." Evie was over glaring apparently. Now she was absolutely stone
knelt down. "Unca-Lee is off world." Not technically a lie providing
he was still on the ship. "Tonight Gammy's good friend Worf is here."
have brought you a gift." He crouched down and handed her the toy.
"Are you familiar with Rhinoceros?"
nodded. "You look like one. Or a turtle."
is all right, Raffaela. She is not mistaken. I am a Klingon, Evie. Although I
grew up on Earth so I am used to it here too."
studied the rhino. "Soft."
it is suitable for a Human child."
reached over and knocked on his forehead. "Not soft."
he laughed and leaned in. "For protection. When bullies hit me, I can
withstand their blows."
made a noise that sounded impressed.
want to go down to the Wharf, baby? Have fish and chips with Gammy and
thought about it. It was what Raffi loved about her granddaughter—every choice
was considered. "Yes."
got her coat out of the closet and had to argue over whether Evie needed it—she
would be so glad when this phase was over—and then Worf picked her up.
began to touch other parts of his head and neck. She was about to tell her to
stop when Worf said softly, "It is all right. I am new and strange and at
least she is honest in her curiosity."
decided if he was fine with it, she was too.
ate at a family friendly place with a playground inside. Evie made friends with
a little boy who liked her rhino and ran off to play.
am honored you asked me to accompany you on this."
very significant duty." She grinned at him.
believe it is. If she had squealed like a tribble..."
for you she didn't."
I perhaps missing the true significance of Unca-Lee? Was she referring to
Commodore Shaw?"
did not want to travel this road so she turned back to watch Evie and said,
"For whatever it's worth, that video you said you were going to hunt down,
I don't think my team has it."
other team. My command team, Worf. Come on."
shifted in a way that seemed the opposite of his usual zen. "Commodore
Shaw is not on your command team. I saw the announcement in the personnel news.
That he has been assigned to the ship."
I'm sure that is how Seven of Nine refers to you three."
fixed him with her stare of annoyance. Which usually worked on him but not this
time. "It's for real a special project."
you say so."
She waved her hand between them in a circular pattern. "This is not
have an advantage now by proximity."
hoo." She folded her arms over her chest. "And I left them on the
ship and invited you instead. So much for proximity. Take the win, you big
grumbled and watched Evie for a while, but then said, "You were referring
to the video."
doesn't have it."
find that dubious."
you calling me a liar?"
sighed super loudly. "I am calling her one. I imagine she does have the
video and that there is no special project. I can, of course, do some
studied him. Thought about the padd Seven had given her, filled with Jurati
code that would for sure keep anyone out of the system if they didn't know how
it worked. Agnes had given it to them but Seven had hedged as to why. And even
though Worf was clearly digging around in the system, Raffi wasn't sure
deploying something the rest of the fleet couldn't break was a good idea.
if in an emergency it was important that they be able to hack the ship? She
could imagine a lot of scenarios where that might be the case.
this the silent treatment?"
I'm thinking about something else. But fine, let's get back to what you said.
Is digging around in our logs and system in your jurisdiction, Worf? If Seven
were to lodge a formal complaint, would it come to anything?"
because the CINC is her friend."
she wasn't. Pretend it was just your actions versus her complaint."
is not the case and I am not good at pretending."
laughed. "So that's a yes, it would come to something. Moreover, you
wouldn't be digging around if this thing with us wasn't happening."
conceded with a nod.
need to stop."
will stop when I think it is appropriate."
Seven doesn't need this shit."
she should surrender the field."
She was about to say more when Evie ran up holding a stuffed lion. Not the
cleanest one either. "What have you got?"
traded." She turned and waved at her playmate, who was being jacketed up
with equal success—or lack thereof—as she'd had with Evie. He was holding the
no." She started to get up as Evie ran back to the playground, but Worf
pulled her down. "It is fine. Alexander never liked my gifts either when
he was a child."
looked at him in confusion. "Alexander...?"
have a son?"
I rarely see him. Our relationship is a challenging one."
I know how that goes. Where is he?"
do not know."
me?" Even at her worst, she'd known where Gabe was. Seven had been in the
back of beyond and still in touch with Icheb. Liam was babysitting cousins.
"Is family not important?"
is very important. It's just that Alexander has rarely wanted me to be part of
his inner circle. As I said, we are challenged to get along. But I am proud of
What's he doing right now that makes you proud?"
is on an exploratory vessel. Mixed crew. It is affiliated with the D'alama
Foundation. I do not know their current location though. It has been some time
since his last missive." His voice was a mixture of pride and regret.
so it's not that you don't know where he is in theory, just precisely. And
D'alama does good work."
He is very altruistic. His mother was that way also." He met her eyes.
"I do keep track of him. But my role is best fulfilled at a
is how it is. This many years in, it will not change."
touched his hand. "People can change right up to the moment they die. If
they want to."
do not think either of us want to." He smiled tightly. "May we speak
of more pleasant things."
Evie half Vulcan?"
She saw his surprise. "I think she's beautiful."
is a lovely child." He could have been speaking of a piece of art. So
distant. But then his expression warmed. "She has your eyes."
does." She put her arm around his shoulders. "Do you want to go? Get
ice cream maybe?"
you like." His voice was off.
is a distance between us that was not there the other day. I feel as if should
I attempt to kiss you now, it would be most unwelcome."
yeah, because my granddaughter's here."
do not think that is the reason." He sighed. "You being in love with
Seven of Nine was a given. But now I wonder if you are not also in love with
not not in love with him."
sighed. "Do not use humor to deflect. Or try to confuse me."
sorry." She leaned her head against his shoulder. "You're my very,
very, very good friend Worf."
words stab."
always here for you."
this is about Alexander, I can reach out to him. Introduce you."
not about Alexander. Your relationship with him is your own to manage."
She took his hand and squeezed. "If I'm honest, and I think I should be,
I'm at the point with Seven and Liam that if I had to be on the ship and not be
with them..."
would kill her. It would goddamn kill her.
that thought made her feel so stinkin' warm inside. Because she finally knew
what she wanted. "I'm sorry, Worf. But the competition is over. I choose
can get Evie a lion next time."
not the problem, I just—" She had to stop because Evie was running back,
straight to Worf and she said, "Can you help get her down?" She
pointed at a girl sitting on the top of a slide frozen in what looked like