New Stories or Poetry

Last updated: 17 April 2024

IRL, I'm also a writer and I'm chuffed to have my first poetry collection Unwilling: Poems of Horror and Darkness coming out. You can preorder the ebook version at Amazon or pretty much anywhere ebooks are sold. Paperbacks will be available at Amazon on May 10th (release day!)

Star Trek: Picard

Cold Shoulder (R)   -   He's happy to be off the ship. She's happy to have him off. Now he's back. And neither of them are happy about that. Or are they? (Novella/30,000 words)

Command Teams (R)   -   You knew it was only a matter of time before I did these three, right? (Novel/53,000 words)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

From Every Thorn a Rose (R)   -   Trying to hew as close to what we saw as possible while still serving the S7 ship. They were bitter and touchy but was that all? (Novelette/15,000 words)

Inconvenient Truths (R)   -   She thought he believed in her. Then she found out he was forced to pick her as first officer. Now she doesn't know what's real. This one starts with just what we saw--no retconned past for them, no burning near the surface love. What happens when we start with what we actually saw (which still had some chemistry for sure)? Is there anywhere for them to go? (Novelette/17,500 words)

My Favorite Drug (PG-13)   -   A character study more than a love story. I haven't switched ships. There were just so many things that happened in Season 2 that made me sad for Raffi and mad at Seven. And Raffi asked in the sweetest way if I could write her something. I thought it would be a love story--the counterpoint to all my Seven/Shaw stories. She wanted this instead. (Short Story/7,500 words)

The Sacredness of Tears (R)   -   An automated leadership assessment glitches when Seven takes it, leaving her reeling and afraid to make decisions. But there's one person who may be able to help her. For all kinds of reasons. This is a quiet story. A lot of talking. A lot of tears. A lot of love. And a love letter to where I grew up. (Novel/66,000 words)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3